Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced on Sunday that he was going to hire any Border Patrol agent that was being punished by the Biden Administration over the controversy enveloping them...
This was a week that the state of Texas took a huge step in vouching for those who do not want to fall victim to transgender propapaganda. SImply put, Texas...
Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw (Texas) said last Monday that U.S. hammer thrower Gwen Berry needed to be kicked off the U.S. Olympic team because of her decision to protest the...
A Houston, Texas hospital has now reportedly suspended 178 of their employees without pay due to their refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccinations, according to NBC News. Violating Their Policy?...
There is now some new drone video footage that is showing an impressive group of at least 40 illegal aliens who are rushing the U.S.-Mexico border into La Joya, Texas....
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is now totally FED UP at some of the politics surrounding the mask mandates. He has decided that it is time to stop all of this...
You’ve got to hand it to firefighters. They definitely have a difficult job, and in the case of one El Paso woman, they ended up making a very gruesome discovery...
Once again, Texas is leading the way in preserving your personal freedom. Governor Greg Abbott has announced that he has banned a glaring example of government abuse and overreach in...
Customs agents along the southern border are on especially high alert for SUV’s and other vehicles with more than one gas tank. What they’re looking for is a high octane...
A car was pulled over for not having a license plate properly mounted on the front of the vehicle. Once pulled over the cop somehow discovers the man is here...