Texas Hospital SUSPENDS Hundreds For Exercising Their First Amendment Rights!

A Houston, Texas hospital has now reportedly suspended 178 of their employees without pay due to their refusal to take the COVID-19 vaccinations, according to NBC News.

Violating Their Policy?

Houston Methodist Hospital suspended the employees for violating their policy that demanded that all of their employees be fully vaccinated by last Monday against COVID-19. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK The hospital mandated in April that all of their employees would need to be fully vaccinated by June 7th in order to continue working for their hospital.

The hospital reported that nearly 25,000 of the staffers associated with their hospital had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

There were at least 285 employees that have reportedly received a religious or medical exemption from the vaccine, and 332 more had reportedly been granted a deferral for pregnancies and other related conditions.

In a Tuesday statement, Houston Methodist president Dr. Marc Boom said, “We won’t have the final numbers for two weeks as employees can still get vaccinated with their second dose or with the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. I wish the number could be zero, but unfortunately, a small number of individuals have decided not to put their patients first.”

“The science continues to prove that the vaccines are not only safe, but necessary if we are going to turn the corner against COVID-19,” he added. “The mRNA technology behind the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines isn’t new or experimental. It’s been around for many years.”

Still, if hospital employees are concerned about this vaccine, it should be their right to refuse the vaccine if they wish and still remain employed at the hospital. OH well, apparently individual liberty continues to go out the window. The hospital is giving suspended employees until June 21st to fulfill this new requirement.

What are people saying about this?

Amanda Rivera, an ER nurse who has refused to get vaccinated, says that she’s disappointed that the hospital would put her in this position.

“I feel like we have been bullied into this corner, like we have to do this or else,” she said. “This is my only source of income.”

At least 117 employees filed a lawsuit in May against the hospital arguing that the vaccines are “experimental” in nature and that the hospital should not be permitted to force an employee to receive an unapproved and untested vaccine “on penalty of termination or other sanctions” including suspensions.

“None of the currently available experimental vaccines for COVID-19 has received final approval from the FDA,” the lawsuit stated in part.

In a statement, attorney Jared Woodfill — who filed the suit in Montgomery County, Texas — said that he intends to file the suit with state court.

“Essentially, Dr. Boom is forcing my clients to be human guinea pigs at the risk of losing their jobs.”

It will be interesting to see how this lawsuit turns out.

Either way, what do you think about this mandate from this Texas hospital? Feel free to share your comments below!




Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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