There was a local school board meeting last week in Loudoun County, Virginia, that was eventually declared an “unlawful assembly” by the...
For millions of individuals the world over, the television show “Jeopardy!” has become a staple of their viewing habits. However, this game...
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy continues to be a paragon of integrity when it comes to asking the right questions during the...
Carl Nassib came out as gay, and he was widely praised within the mainstream media because he became the first openly gay...
Sadly, the continued moral relativism in our country is just about complete, and it is now manifesting itself in the popular children’s...
Apparently, white people were charged a “reparations fee” for participating in a Seattle gay pride event because the gathering was supposed to...
There is no question that Ron DeSantis is a one-man fighting machine when it comes to taking on liberals. He just shared...
Portland’s police union chief blasted city officials last weekend, arguing that were “encouraging and enabling some of the violence” that had occurred...
Last Friday, Rhode Island Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse slammed former President Trump and accused him of “toiling to deepen the fault lines...
Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors is now finding herself in a bit of a tight spot. She is now being tied...