Ben Carson is now speaking out against childhood COVID-19 vaccines, and we think that you are going to like some of the things he has to say! There is no...
Apparently we no longer have freedom of speech in this country. Just look at what they did to this surgeon for complaining about masks! A surgeon at Lake Region Healthcare...
More and more people, including VIPs, are getting the vaccine and regretting it. Just look at what happened to this actress who got it! Actress Melle Stewart is now fighting...
A 17-year-old Canadian boy has now died from complications of the COVID-19 just a couple weeks after receiving the COVID-19 injection. Sean Hartman had suffered multiple health problems after he...
Minnesota is now resorting to bribery for children ages 12-17 in an effort to get them vaccinated against COVID-19. Young individuals who get both doses of the two-dose COVID-19 vaccine...
New revelations have been released by a Pfizer employee that indicates that some of the top executives at the Big Pharma drug maker had been trying to minimize the accusations...
There is a new study that shows that one well-known over-the-counter medicine, in particular, has been found effective in limiting the spread of COVID-19. That’s right. People who normally utilize...
We have been lied to…big time. It was back in December that the CDC clearly stated that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was 95.0% effective (95% confidence interval = 90.3%–97.6%) in...
Last August, Defense Secretary Lloy Austin issued a memo that called for mandatory vaccinations against COVID-19 for all U.S. troops. At the time, there had reportedly been more than 80,000...
Dr. Anthony Fauci announced last week that people were hesitant to receive the vaccine and should go ahead and give ahead and “give up” their freedoms simply “for the greatest...