A NEW Migrant Caravan Is Forming And Coming To The United States…

One thing that you can definitely say about the migrant caravans that have been going through South and Central America to get to the United States is that they did not plan to do this kind of thing overnight.

If you look at how long it takes for someone to move across country you can definitely tell that to be the case and that these migrant caravans didn’t just wake up on Thursday morning and leave on Thursday night with no plan.

Shoot, when I moved my family over a thousand miles to where we live now three years ago there was about two to three months of work involved in that.

You had calling the movers, meeting with the movers, changing utility companies, packing everything up, throwing old stuff away and all of the other things that you could associate with moving. It took about three months with the last official thing we did before the movers arrived being literally the day before they got there. This was for four people to move from the Northeast to Florida.

That being said, you cannot tell me that any of these migrant caravans aren’t either being prompted with hte promise of something to suddenly decide that they have had enough of wherever they live to come to the United States.

Via Daily Wire:

While Washington Post fact-checkers argue among themselves about whether or not the situation at the border constitutes a humanitarian crisis, the outlet reports that in Honduras another migrant caravan is preparing to start the long trek north.

“Another migrant caravan is forming in Honduras, with plans to set out next week on a journey that will once again test the immigration policies of Mexico and the United States,” the Washington Post reports.

The Post notes that, as with the previous caravan, a flier has been “circulating on Honduran social media” announcing the plan to form a new group to head north.

The flier provides the location where the new caravan is gathering — San Pedro Sula, a city close to the northern Honduran border — and says the group will set out at 5 a.m. on Jan. 15. “We’re looking for refuge,” reads the flier. “In Honduras, we are being killed.”

The Mexican government is already preparing for the new caravan’s arrival at the southern border with Guatemala, interior minister Olga Sánchez Cordero said at a press conference Monday.

After having failed to stop thousands of migrants from illegally crossing into the country last year, Sánchez Cordero said this time they plan to more effectively lock down the border, in part by placing guards at 370 potential crossing points, the Post reports.

Like many in the previous caravan, which included around 7,000 migrants, the Honduran migrants who manage to make it into Mexico and to its northern border to apply for asylum in the U.S. will likely end up finding themselves having to wait in Mexico while their applications are processed due to a deal between the Trump administration and the Mexican government to keep asylum seekers south of the border during the process.

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