In case you might have not noticed the federal government is now shut down to some extent due to a snit over funding towards a wall on the Mexican border.
While this will affect some federal employees the vast number of American citizens might not feel the sting of this too deeply due to the fact that both sides of the aisle can’t exactly agree on anything regarding this issue.
Over the next couple of weeks you are going to see a heck of a lot of talk on television pointing fingers and shouting blame towards people and preparing themselves for when a solution gets reached. Not a whole heck of a lot of this talk is going to be all that meaty or profound.
That being said, we might have a situation here where Sarah Sanders has stepped upon a nugget of truth here that rises to a truly profound level.
Sanders was appearing on “Fox & Friends” Friday morning to discuss the shutdown showdown and border security, calling it “a sad day in America.” It wasn’t because the government was partially shutting down, mind you, or that the wall wasn’t being built.
Instead, she noted that Mexico — the country we think of as representing the putative problem in this mess — is actually doing more than Democrats to keep our border safe.
“We will do whatever we need to do and whatever we can do to help the process. At this point, it’s up to the Senate,” Sanders told Fox News.
“One thing that I think has been missed and didn’t get a lot of coverage yesterday was what we have worked out, what this administration has been able to do in conjunction with the Mexican government and the massive and monumental moment that took place yesterday where catch-and-release has ended.”
Catch-and-release is the colloquial name for allowing immigrants who claim asylum to be released in the United States as they await adjudication on their claim. This is problematic for a number of reasons, in particular that most asylum claims are denied and many of the immigrants use the opportunity to abscond.
As usual, Sarah hits the nail on the head.
Sarah Sanders has given voice to an oddity about the recent caravan surge. She truthfully pointed out that much of Mexico (particularly the city of Tijuana) has been more cooperative in stemming the tide of illegals and migrants than the Commie Democraps have done.
The details….
4 TRILLION scheduled to be spent this fiscal year.
so, 4 trillion, divided by 365 (the number of days in a year) comes to roughly 11 Billion per day.
So, all this squabbling is over LESS THAN A HALF DAY spending, and THAT can be spread out over the entire 365 days.
13.5 million per day out of the 11 BILLION per day…
5 Billion IS 10.9 hours of government spending
And THAT isn’t even a ’rounding error’.
NOBODY in the federal government would blink over that number.
On the Plus side, it does show the silliness of the democrats.
And their willingness to DIE ON THIS HILL is beyond stupid!
The DEMONCRATS are the problem…Please do not leave out the demons inside that are running this country…Remove all Demon crats now.
“Socialist policy is a permanent menace to the liberty and security of citizens, and cannot therefore be the policy of any government, the primary duty of which is to exact respect for internal and external security.” — Yves Guyot
democrats=anti-American scum!
While all this whining is going on the POTUS has told all that money saved by the new trade agreement will more than pay for Wall cost, he can mandate the cost and recover the funds…The real problem is getting the DIMMs to stop acting like political fools and choke up a agreement to do this bipartisan…they are not making friends, more of those affected are speaking up about the problem a unchallenged border is causing and giving proof to the need of this security measure and all the bells and whistles needed to implement it…..By all means this gang of DIMM thieves should be foisted on their own petard and they will soon…..
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