Dad Takes Action When He Sees What Nurse Did To Newborn [GRAPHIC]

The parents of the baby in Houston born a few days ago worried about what a St. Joseph Medical Center nurse did to their child while in the hospital may have a lasting impact.

Baby Isabel suffered severe second-degree burns on her foot after being scalded at the hospital by a nurse, who had an interesting approach to performing a standard PKU test necessary for all newborn babies. The medical professional allegedly soaked an empty diaper in water and then placed it in a microwave to heat it up. Once it was scorching hot, the nurse slapped it on the baby’s heel before pricking her with a needle and drawing blood.

“My baby has second-degree burns on her foot and ankle and now we are just trying to get her treated,” Spencer Lewandowski, the baby’s father, said. “They got a diaper and filled it full of water and put it in the microwave and then applied to my baby’s ankle and foot, which caused second-degree — severe second-degree — burns.”

The father has since hired an attorney to take St. Joseph Medical Center to task on the mistreatment of one of their smallest patients. Tim Culberson, who is representing Lewandowski, he said that in all 16 years of representing injured children, he has never seen a case like this.

“The nurse took a diaper, wet it and put in a microwave and then put it on the baby’s heel and hurt the heel. I’ve been representing children with injuries for 16 years and I’ve never heard of this happening,” Culberson said.

After the incident was escalated, the hospital had no choice but to issue a statement regarding the father’s claim.

“At St. Joseph Medical Center, the safety and care of our patients is our utmost concern,” St. Joseph Medical Center said in a statement. “We are aware of the complaint and are conducting a thorough investigation that is ongoing. The hospital is committed to providing high-quality health services to the communities we serve.”

Article Sources: KPRC, Mad World News/Facebook Photo Credit: KPRC

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