DOJ Sues Agricultural Company For Refusing to Hire Americans

The DOJ has filed a lawsuit against Colorado-based Crop Production Services Inc. for discriminating against American workers and bringing in foreign workers at a lower wage.  It’s part of the Trump America first plan.  At the same time, the DOJ fined Asplundh, the tree service for an intentional plan to hhire illegal aliens instead of Americans.

This signals a significant change from the Obama plan of Illegals First.  The visa program is only supposed to be used in agriculture if they can’t find enough Americans for the jobs.  These are not fruit picking jjobs either, they are tech jobs, which companies save a lot of money on by bringing in foreign labor.

 Crop Production allegedly set up burdensome application requirements for U.S. citizens that were not enforced for guest workers. American applicants had to complete a background check and a drug test, while H-2A workers were allowed to begin working without completing a similar screening process, according to the complaint.

Despite the availability of qualified U.S. citizen applicants, all of Crop Production’s 15 available seasonal technician jobs in 2016 went to H-2A workers, DOJ officials said.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the lawsuit reflects the civil rights division’s renewed focus on targeting employers who favor immigrant labor over native workers.

“The Justice Department will enforce the Immigration and Nationality Act in order to protect U.S. workers as they are the very backbone of our communities and our economy,” Sessions said in a statement. “Where there is a job available, U.S. workers should have a chance at it before we bring in workers from abroad.”

You can bet your last dollar that other companies are seeing what is going on and will change their hiring practices as the huge fines begin to pile up.  Those fines take away any advantage the company gets in hiring cheap foreign or illegal alien workers.

H/T The Daily Caller

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