Woman Has An Itchy Birthmark, Doctors Horrified To See What’s Beneath It

Birthmark of a mother exploded whilst she was pregnant has described how doctors found three deadly tumors hiding behind it.

31-year-old woman Sam Davies from UK, has lived to tell her tale of a harrowing ordeal she underwent, and it all started with an itchy birthmark. Daily Mail reported that birthmark would go on to explode, and doctors would find three tumors behind it.

The mark was located on the woman’s forehead, and it became itchy whenever she was pregnant. Since she was in the midst of carrying her fifth child, she paid it no mind. The itching increased to the point of pain and pulsing, but doctors couldn’t pinpoint what the trouble was. Then the birthmark exploded.

“There was lots of goo and blood shooting out of my head, all down my face. I was panic-stricken,” she explains.

She was rushed to the hospital, and doctors would discover that the mark was the tip of several tumors, some of which contained cancerous cells. Surgery cleaned that up, and she’s on the road to recovery.

“Now, I’m pain-free and I have a scar where my birthmark once was. But just to be on the safe side, I’m not planning on having any more children – just in case the monster wakes up again,” Davies continued.

Sources: Daily MailMad World News Photo Credit: Daily Mail

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