Women Forget Cameras Are Rolling During This Vile Act, Cops Make Them Pay [VIDEO]

Two women caught on surveillance camera stealing something from a grave.

Residents noticed that flowers, vases, and other mementos kept on disappearing from grave sites at Grove Street Cemetery in New London, Ohio.

The victims refused to be identified and one of the victims said, “This cemetery is very dear to my heart. My parents are here; my grandparents are here; my great grandparents are here. I’m going to be here,” said one of the victims who asked not to be identified.

The victims set up a new surveillance camera to identify who the culprit is.

The price of the missing items may just in a relatively small amount, but the sentimental value cannot be measured.

“I gave that flower pot to my father for Father’s Day in 1977. It has no price that they can give me to replace that pot,” she said.

Police Chief Mike Marko said: “Somebody buries their loved one and they go out to the cemetery and they put something down and they expect it to be there, and when somebody removes that theft, it’s personal”.

The surveillance video captured a car who pulled in. When the doors opened, two women got out and began picking up items from graves, some items were even covered by bricks to avoid being removed, and they put those in the car.

“I couldn’t believe it; they just leisurely shopped through our cemetery taking what they wanted,” said the victim.

Through the help of the surveillance camera, the suspects were identified as Evelyne Cantu, 61, and Donna Riley, 63, both of nearby Sullivan Township.

They say that Riley is the elected fiscal officer in the township.

“It’s a position of trust, no different than being a police officer, we are held to a higher standard and when something like this happens we are going to pay the price for it,” said Marko.

Both were charged with misdemeanor theft charges. They both pleaded not guilty. However, the stolen items were not returned.


Sources: Facebook/The Shred NationAWM Video Credit: Fox 8 News

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