Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) awarded CNN’s Don Lemon claim on he could
smell” racism.
“We have to point out outright bigotry and racism,” Lemon reportedly stated. “And as a man of color, I certainly know it when I see it. I can smell it coming.”
Lemon defends DACA and attacked President Trump’s decision to keep transgender people out of the military, saying “To fight for our trans brothers and sisters –their very lives depend on it. They too have served and are serving our country proudly and with distinction. We have to be the voice for our immigrant brothers and sisters, especially the young ones who know no other home than America.”
The supposedly unbiased CNN host also stated, “…and to make sure that some uninformed people don’t get confused — that there are no fine or good Nazis or white supremacists anywhere, and it’s not about both sides! That’s where we are right now.”
Lemon also previously whitewashed on the violent far-left “anti-fascist” (or “antifa”) agitators behind many of the violent riots around the country.
Sources: The Daily Caller, The Daily Caller/Facebook/ Video Credit: YouTube
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