They Just Admitted What They Said About Putin Was Totally Made Up!

How can we even trust our own Intelligence Agency when they are lying straight to our faces?

Recent reports confirmed that the U.S. deep-state operatives are lying about the legitimacy of sensitive national security intelligence to secure political outcomes.

Intelligence was Disclosed to deter Russia from using chemical weapons, but the dont have direct evidence that Russia would use chemical weapons.

Under Joe Biden’s direction, intelligence officials have begun a declassifying spree that leverages information “even when the confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high” to influence foreign and domestic policy. The Biden administration is using “rarely definitive” intelligence to deal with foreign threats such as Russia and China.

This week, Three separate US Officials told NBC News that with very little actual intelligence, the US has “disclosed” that Russia has chemical weapons in Ukraine and has gone to China for military aid, when in fact the intelligence does not support that either of those is true.

Even NBC noted that “it doesn’t even have to be solid intelligence when we talk about it,” but it just has to do what the administration wants.


One US official stated, as it is insinuated that the purpose of disclosing this “intelligence” is to “preempt the Russians.”

“The intelligence wasn’t very clear about precisely what was going on… This is an unprecedented use of declassified intelligence.”

U.S. intelligence officials, the same ones who admitted to lying, say the strategy is working. NBC News argued that “intelligence is rarely definitive,” which should excuse the Biden administration’s overeagerness to push it regardless of legitimacy.

Now blatant and intentional lying about one’s enemies is praised and employed by these same outlets.

US Officials are admitting to blatant lying and warmongering. Biden is caught saying:

“They’re also suggesting that Ukraine has biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine, that’s a clear sign he’s [Putin] considering using both of those.”

100 Percent FedUp noted:

They call it information warfare, but to us it just looks like Biden lying again.

No matter where you stand on the Russia-Ukraine war, there is no excuse for intelligence agencies and Democrats to make up claims about a war on the other side of the world with little to no intelligence to actually back them up.

NBC News believes that this is to “preempt the Russians” and Chinese into not escalating the war, however, it could also be construed as mere war propaganda. Are intelligence offices actually trying to drum up support and justification for intervention in Ukraine?

Source: 100percentfedup,

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