A man posted a video of him charging a Tesla and it’s now gone viral, and it demonstrates why they will never catch on…
Well, it’s time for us to stop paying high gas prices and be like the other cool kids that are trying to save the planet! That’s what we keep hearing, right?
Why do we need the laws of physics, infrastructure, economics, or even plain old common sense? All we have to do is electrify, electrify, and electrify some more…
Well, you say, shouldn’t we be worrying about those rolling electrical blackouts in California? Shouldn’t we be concerned that the power grid in Texas almost collapsed? Shouldn’t we be concerned about federal mismanagement involving the price of electricity and natural gas? No, no we shouldn’t.
After all, in this day and age, men can be women and Senator Elizabeth Warren can be a Cherokee, so anything is possible. Anything!
Except for replacing the internal combustion engine in the near future. That, my friend, is almost near impossible, at least in the short term.
But don’t tell the officials at the Biden Administration that. They are counting on today’s higher gas prices to convince people to make the switch.
In order to help us make this quick switch, they will even admit that they are counting on the higher gas prices to prompt all of us to scrap our cars next week, dish out the price of an Acura Electric Car or the $46,000 minimum for the Tesla.
There’s just one problem: the universe of electric cars is not ready for prime time.
All you have to do is see what Business Insider reporter Ben Bergman tweeted while in a long line of electric cars waiting to be charged: “The very rare time as a Tesla owner I wish I could pay $6/gallon for gas and be on my way. We need more super chargers.”
One of the main responses to his tweet featured another posting where there was a man with a gas can who was helping – you guessed it – a stranded roadside Tesla. Try not to laugh out loud here, but he was doing it by using his gas can to fill up a backup generator to give the stranded Tesla a jumpstart! The man was heard saying, “you could have gotten yourself a Honda and saved yourself all of this trouble!”
The dream of the tree huggers and the Biden Administration is just that: a dream. WIll it come true in the distant future? Probably. However, until then most people are going to stick with their gas-powered vehicles.
Besides a lack of charging facilities and the supporting infrastructure, electric cars have a whole host of maintenance issues related to battery costs. Then there are – you guessed it – environmental issues related to this increased power generation and the materials needed for these electric car batteries.
You see, the reason that we are able to cruise all over the countryside in our cars for as long as 500 miles at a time is due to the internal combustion engine.
Electric cars are nothing new. They were around in the infancy of the automobile a hundred years ago as well. However, they had the same problem then that they do now: range. Until the infrastructure improves, gas-powered vehicles are still going to be the way to go, probably at least for a few more decades.