Why They Barred This Marine From His High School Graduation Is…

A  student has been denied from his High School Graduation for a silly dress code and it’s just very unfair and unruly.

It’s every student’s dream to walk on stage on their graduation and achieving awards are just a big plus.

Well, it was a dream for Jacob Dalton Stanley as he is a proud student enlisted in the Marines but that moment was stolen by Crown Point High School where the school’s principal, Chip Pettit have informed Jacob ahead that he has to follow the dress code for graduation as unity.

The Principal said, “This practice has served us well as it has allowed the class to show unity by dressing the same, but also allowing for individual accomplishments to be recognized by wearing stoles and chords and this tradition is not intended to be disrespectful to students, parents, or our community, but as a source of pride for our students so it is also not intended to be disrespectful to our students choosing to serve in the military, our active duty servicemen and women and our veterans, and We are forever grateful for the sacrifices that they make on a daily basis for our freedom.”

The Daily Mail reported:

Although the rules seem pretty cut and dry, some students, as well as many others hearing the news, have taken umbrage with the school’s decision, calling it “ridiculous,” and making matters worse, Stanley was not only prohibited from participating in the ceremony, his name wasn’t called out in recognition of his achievement.

A fellow Crown Point graduate, Leann Tustison said,“He’s in the military putting his life on the line for us. It’s unacceptable that he was not allowed to walk across the stage. If he wants to walk across the stage in his uniform that he worked so hard for and earned, he should have the right to do that and that’s his achievement. They honored other people’s achievements whether they were in triathlon or other activities.”

Despite the principal informing Jacob ahead of time about the dress code, it’s still unruly for a school to implement a heavy dress code as to a nearby Hobart High School have allowed Ana Kritikos, a graduate who had also enlisted in the Marine Corps, was permitted to wear her military uniform during commencement ceremonies. Like Stanley, Marine Private First Class Kritikos graduated early so she could enlist.

No, tell me what’s the point of having such a rule?

Right after Kritikos returned for graduation, she had received full support from school administrators when she expressed her desire to wear her uniform.

Kritikos said, “They have been absolutely amazing. It is OK with the Marines for us to wear our uniforms at high school graduation and I know the School Board, the principal, and superintendent talked about it and were in agreement that I could wear my Marine uniform.”

Hobart Superintendent Peggy Buffington said that her school goes out of its way to recognize graduates who join the military.

“We recognize audience members and future military in our graduates by having them stand. It is always a very special and patriotic moment where the audience roars with applause, and this year was especially nice because Ana Kritikos graduated midterm and landed just in time for the graduation ceremony.” Buffington said.

“We did recognize her and the achievements she has made in the Marines, already,“She is a Private 1st Class Military Occupation Specialist. She is currently serving in Virginia in their specialist class involved with intelligence and started her training in January. We are extremely proud of her accomplishments.” Buffington added.

Marine Corps Major Clark Carpenter, US Marine Corps spokesman said, “The Marine Corps does not dictate what specific high schoolers can or cannot graduate in, That decision is up to school leadership.”

By far, the school principal is so selfish.

Sources: TapHaps, Daily Mail

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