What One Of Biden’s Top Henchmen Just Said About ICE Is Absolutely Sickening!

It doesn’t take an obscure writer such as myself to tell you that President Joe Biden has a lot of henchmen. However, let me tell you that one of the most underrated of these would have to be Natalie Montelongo, who is the White House’s new deputy director for political strategy and outreach. The best way to describe this woman besides being one of the president’s henchmen is that she is a real piece of work, to say the least.


Let me just refresh your memory on Natalie Montelongo. On June 21, 2018, this woman wrote on Twitter that ICE was an organization that “doesn’t have to exist.” Additionally, it was during this same Twitter session that she told the protesters that she would like to see them be able to “shut it down.”


If you still doubt the stories that Biden plans on flooding the United States with illegal aliens then all you have to do is simply look at the people he has (read: henchmen) working for him. The man is doing his darndest to cut the border wide open and it doesn’t matter how heinous the crime might be that one commits, they will likely not be deported under this administration. Either way, the Border Patrol and ICE continue to be our first line of defense against hundreds of thousands of “immigrants” who are trying to enter our country illegally.


Within the Tweet that she wrote two years ago, Montelongo said the following:


“The actions of this administration are not motivated by concerns for public safety. On the other hand, they are interested in terrorizing immigrant communities. #ICE didn’t exist 15 years ago, so it doesn’t have to exist now,” Montelongo said on Twitter on May 10, 2018.

Montelongo previously held a position in the Obama Administration and she worked as the national political director for a badly failed presidential campaign for one Julian Castro. Considering that the woman is now working for Biden, she can’t seem to win for losing. However, considering that her former boss Julian Castro ran on a platform where he would totally decriminalize illegal aliens, maybe the fact that she works on failed political campaigns is her niche in life.


“I remember from a young age having to cross back and forth from Matamoros to Brownsville so that I could go to school,” she said. “That is one of the ways that I started going to school in the U.S., and so I have a lot of respect for the community. It’s a community that’s very resilient, and it’s one that had to learn two languages at an early age, just like I did.” I didn’t realize that communities learned languages; I thought people did, but I digress.


“I like that President Biden focuses on diversity,” his henchmen said finally.


Oh, brother. There’s nothing wrong with diversity, but having it at the expense of law and order benefits no one.


What do you think about how out-of-touch this liberal cabinet member is? Your comments would be appreciated!



Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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