As your loyal writing correspondent, I will just say this upfront: the more you study it the more obvious it becomes that both President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are proponents of the “Do as I say and not as I do” type of leadership style. Needless to say, this is a paragon of inefficiency, but what do you expect from the liberal Democrats?
First of all, let’s take a look at President Biden because he is supposed to be our leader, right? Thus, if Biden takes off his mask to engage in a task, then it’s fairly certain that we can say everyone else can take their masks off as well.
The most glaring example of this occurred last Tuesday when he was announcing to reporters that the Centers for Disease Control and protection finally has determined that yes, people can wear a mask outside in small groups as long as they are fully vaccinated. Of course, forget the fact that most people have already been doing that all along anyway even went a vaccine wasn’t nearly on the horizon at all. You see, it doesn’t take someone with a science degree to realize that the risk of infection in such a situation is virtually nonexistent.
However, let’s not steal Biden’s thunder just yet. After all, this was a big to-do for President Biden. It was he who said that this positive step was “due to the extraordinary progress that has been made in fighting this virus, and also the progress that all of our scientists have made in learning about how this virus is transmitted.”
Of course, this is all well and good, but if Joe Biden himself doesn’t wear a mask in a given situation, then why should anyone else? Here is exhibit A for your consideration, folks… during Joe Biden’s speech before a joint session of the US Congress on Wednesday he did not have a mask at all. Let me repeat that: No. Mask. At. All.
Nancy Pelosi was just fine and dandy with the president not wearing a mask during this instance. However, she has drawn a line in the sand when it comes to all of the members of her Congress. Since December, all of the representatives have been under direct orders by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to wear a mask at all times on the House floor.
“House members are no longer going to be recognized unless they wear a mask and the recognition will be withdrawn should they remove that mask while they are speaking,” Pelosi told the Business Insider at that time. Fast-forward to early May, and this is still the policy in place even though President Biden doesn’t seem to want to abide by it.
What to make of all of this? Well, one freshman congresswoman has decided to take these two head-on and she wrote a letter to House Speaker Pelosi. Colorado GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert said she is frustrated at the hypocrisy and she thinks that both Pelosi and President Biden should “follow the science” and end this charade.
Either we should wear a mask or not. Either the vaccines are effective or they are not. Lawmakers need to make up their minds one way or the other and stop making this mask rule a political football! Just my thoughts, of course.
What do you think? Your comments are appreciated!