LOS ANGELES Makes Something Legal So ILLEGALS Can Make Money!

If someone comes to the United States legally and does all of the right things that one is supposed to do than they should be allowed to enjoy all the benefits that this great country has to offer.

A guy in my neighborhood owns a small restaurant, nothing fancy apart from diner food but man is it good. He started out in this country selling hot dogs from a stand in New York City decades ago while he was going to school on a student visa to learn business administration.

He then began working in other places until he had enough money to open up his own joint where he has been operating for about fifteen years now. He did this all under legal auspices.

Now, anyone that comes to the country illegally should not be afforded any luxuries except a bus ticket back home. However, it seems that there are some in California that want to do everything short of doing their grocery shopping for them,.

Via  Daily Caller:

The new year marks new opportunities for illegal immigrants living in Los Angeles who can now legally sell wares on the streets to customers.

Los Angeles’ City Council voted 13-0 in late November to allow street vendors to sell their goods without fear of retribution from law enforcement.

Immigrants, many of whom are illegal, make up the majority of the roughly 50,000 street vendors in LA, according to The New York Times.

Prior to the city council’s decision, there was “a lot of humiliation from the police,” 33-year-old street vendor Adriana Morales told The Times. Morales now feels a sense of “security and tranquility,” following the legalization of street vending.

The LA council’s vote comes after California Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 946 in September, barring authorities from arresting or handing out criminal punishments to street vendors, The Daily Californian reported.

LA’s law requires vendors to operate three feet apart from one another and prohibits them from blocking sidewalks or building entrances. The law also mandates that vendors keep their spaces clean and do not sell illegal items, such as pirated DVDs or CDs, according to The Associated Press. Vendors selling food require a license from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

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