When Trump Stepped off Air Force One, He Looked Out & Instantly Knew….

The mainstream media is banking on a blue wave for the midterm elections, kind of how they banked on Hillary winning the presidency…

How did that turn out for you dems?

The media is already declaring that the democrats are going to be victorious in regaining power and that the Trump train has lost its steam.

The sign President Trump saw in Missouri proves the mainstream media wrong once again.

As President Trump stepped off of Air Force One in Missouri the camera panned around and the president looked out and saw something amazing.

Tens of thousands of people who gathered around to see President Trump started chanting, “USA! USA!” The crowd went wild for the President and wouldn’t stop cheering.

Donald Trump looked happily surprised with the enthusiastic crowd who wouldn’t settle down as the president tried to begin his speech.

Watch what America REALLY thinks of President Trump:

Make this go viral!

You know the mainstream media will not be showing this!



Read more: AmericanJournalReview

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