In The News

Ford’s Attorney Caught On Camera Being Handed Secret Envelope By Dirty Dem Congresswoman

Elder Patriot – What do we have here?

We were watching the Kavanaugh circus today and much to our surprise, out of the blue, BOOM! The payoff?

Watch this video and you tell us what you see.

Are the Democrats really this ballsy? Do they think we don’t have TV’s?

Do the think we don’t have internet?

A bribe DURING the testimony?

It sure would seem so. Look closely at this video and let us know what you think in the comment section below.

Corrupt Democrat congresswoman passes an envelope to corrupt Blasey-Ford attorney Michael Bromwich:

Dr. Carol M. Swain@carolmswain

The only FBI investigation that needs to take place is one looking at the interactions between the women who have come forward, the Senate Democrats, and Soros-funded groups. I would also check the bank accounts. @realDonaldTrump

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