Father Livestreams His Suicide On Facebook After His Daughter Marries Without His Consent

 Facebook Live has been a great tool for people ever since it was introduced. But as wonderful as it may be, there have been many people who have used the tool to record some pretty horrific footage. Since it was introduced a couple of years back, people have recorded footage of murders and robberies, but recently a man from Turkey recorded his own suicide after being distraught that his daughter didn’t seek his approval for marriage.


Horrifying footage has emerged of a distraught father appearing to kill himself with a gun on Facebook live – because his daughter had chosen to marry without his approval.

Ayhan Uzun, from Kayseri, central Turkey, can be seen speaking to the camera and unleashing a tirade of abuse against his family before putting a handgun to his head.

The 54-year-old pulls the trigger on the count of three after saying his final words: ‘Goodbye, I am leaving, take good care of yourselves.’

Mr. Uzun immediately collapsed to the floor in the footage, which has not been independently verified. He had earlier revealed that the reason for his suicide was the impending marriage of his daughter without his permission.

He said: ‘I am live streaming tonight, and it is my will, I do not want the ones who put me in this position to attend my funeral.’

Mr. Uzun, who was alone at his home, revealed that he only learned about his daughter’s engagement in a telephone call.

Mr. Uzun said: ‘On my daughter’s happiest day (her engagement), they called me and said to me: “Father come have a treat”.

‘Nobody asked about me. Nobody treated me like a man. My father-in-law took my place and without having a right he approved my daughter’s wedding.

‘Nobody said this girl’s father is alive. Though I would have waited for my daughter and family to say to me: “Come father, be with us”.

‘My wife called me and she told me. I said to her why didn’t you come to tell me, and she said: “We cannot make a personal visit to you…”

‘Maybe some of you will call this a show. I do not want anybody to go through this thing that I am going through.

‘A little later I will put an end to my life with the gun I am holding in my hands.’

During his live-streamed speech, friends and relatives sent comments begging him not to take his own life. But Mr. Uzun took no notice and apparently went through with his threat. His family rushed around to the house to find his dead body. Police have launched an investigation and Mr. Uzun’s body has been taken to a morgue for an autopsy.

While Facebook Live may be a great addition to the vast social network, there will always be those who abuse the technology. With so many children connected to Facebook lately, it’s no surprise that our kids are learning about the harsh reality of life through the social network. Facebook has been a great way to connect with the world but it also has caused some major damages to peoples lives.

H/T Daily Mail



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