Awkward Airport Photos That Will Make You Cringe

A super-human effort

With no context, this story looks like something out of a dystopian future TV series. With technology no longer working, humans are forced to pull the airplanes to get them to work. And worse still, only little people are used for the purpose. It’s like some sick, twisted slavery. However, reality might set your mind at ease. It was being filmed for TV, but for Man Vs. Beast. The idea was to see who could pull an airplane faster: 44 little people or 1 elephant.


May the force be with you

Ever walked past one of those shoeshine stands and wondered who on earth still gets their shoes shined? Well, if you have, here’s your answer. Two ‘arrivals’ for the Comic-Con convention needed to be buffed up and polished before they left the airport to go to the venue. I’m surprised they didn’t ask to have their joints oiled as well. I wonder if the price list includes a full body wax and shine! It would be a shame if they paid the same price as everyone else!


A mid-air aviary

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. This is an airplane cabin full of falcons. These winged birds of prey were not up to flying to their destination old school. And so, they insisted that their owner give them the same travel benefits as all the other employees. Their owner, a Saudi prince, was determined to show that he was not discriminatory in his approach. And being that he was a Saudi prince, the airline had no choice but to acquiesce.

Timing is everything

The Danes are not ones to fool around when it comes to time limits. The pick-up and drop-off zone at the airport is patrolled, and fines are issued to transgressors. It became apparent that the zone was being clogged up by couples who were struggling to say their final goodbyes. And so, the innovative, considerate Danes made a particular area where couples are given extra time to give each other the last kiss. But only for 3 minutes… after that, all bets are off!


Too much information

Here’s a family with a sense of humor! Mom had been away on a trip. When it was time for her to come home, they decided to come up with a hilarious sign to welcome her home. Their best design sought to maximize embarrassment and curious stares from onlookers. I’d be worried if I saw that sign and realized it was for the ‘nice’ lady I sat next to for 8 hours! By all accounts, she turned and walked the other way!


Top-notch security

If you’re expecting tight security, the airport is the place to be. So many terror attacks have been launched from airports. Security measures add to the stress and time taken to check in and clear out of the airport. But we all put up with it because we know it’s being done to protect us. Have you ever wondered what security personnel is looking at on the screen when you pass by? Apparently, it’s a riveting game of solitaire. Guess who’s claiming unemployment?



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