Neighbors Are PISSED OFF Over Obama’s NEW Addition To Mansion, Look Closer [PHOTO]

Former President Obama is reportedly building a wall around his new Washington, D.C. mansion to protect himself and his family.

Since leaving office, Obama and the former First family moved into a $5.3 million mansion in the nation’s capitol, where they will stay while daughter Sasha finishes school. In their newly-renovated home, the Obama family reportedly added a wall around the property to protect them.

This development came after Obama signed a bill in 2013 that renewed the law that gave presidents Secret Service protection for life, which would effectively protect himself as well his fellow living presidents Bush and Clinton.

The story quickly went viral, with many pointing out the hypocrisy in Obama’s wall construction considering the outrage surrounding President Trump’s Mexican border wall proposal.


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“It is ironic that Mr. Obama wanted to build a security fence around his new residence but wanted an open border without security for the country when he was in office. Does this show that he cares only about his own security and not about America’s security?” one Newsiosity reader commented.

“This is bull shit. They don’t need that much protection at the cost of taxpayers. How much are we suppose to pay when we can’t even afford insurance and some can’t afford to put food on the table. When is it going to stop?” another added.

Some readers felt as though Obama was being too cautious considering how he constantly spoke of lower crime rates and a safer America in general during his two terms in office.

“His actions are questionable. he is building a fortress for what. he said America was safer , crime was down etc. yet he needs a security fence etc. Plus lifetime guards. what is he planning to do.?? His daughter will be graduasting soon. so why all the gates walls etc. especially when he would not secure Our border. but wants his property secured,” one reader commented.

“Why did obummer mention about the rental daughter being safe for school? She still has to leave the rental house for school! Anyway why should the taxpayers money pay for this wall and his security? With all the crime obummer has committed while living in the people’s house, he doesn’t deserve any security or benefits now that he’s out of the people’s house! He has stolen from the taxpayers and has done a great deal more than obummer should have to pay back all the money that was wasted on the luxury vacations and golfing vacations!” another added.


If Trump is racist for wanting a wall in Mexico, then what does this make Obama?

He who lives in a glass house cannot throw stones? How about bricks?

Put another way, he who calls a border wall racist then builds one around his $5.2 million mansion in D.C. is a hypocrite.

The Obama’s have chosen to remain in Washington D.C. while their youngest daughter, Sasha, finishes school. The will be moving into a home that sold in 2014 for $5,295,000. The 8,200 square foot house was built in 1928 and has 9 beds and 8.5 bathrooms.

The Obamas were just busted by TMZ, who took spy photos of a wall being built around their residence.

Take a look:


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Reportedly, the rental needed to be fortified and properly outfitted for the Secret Service. There is also construction going on in the garage as it is being converted into an office with a bathroom.

It is also being reported that the Obama’s will have interesting neighbors nearby:

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump just purchased a mansion in DC that will make a beautiful home for their family. It is 94 years old and has six bedrooms and six and 1/2 baths. The pictures (below) are amazing, but there is something more interesting developing about the home that has people talking.

After Barack and Michelle Obama leave The White House, they will be moving in to a home just two blocks from Jared and Ivanka. AWKWARD! Perhaps they will see one another while walking the dogs are at backyard barbecues?

Soon to be former-President Barack Obama and President-Elect Donald Trump have had some unflattering things to say about one another, and Obama’s legacy is certainly to be battered if Trump does what he has promised to do once in office.

Security will certainly be heavy in the neighborhood with both the Obama’s and Ivanka Trump living there. Reportedly, others in Trump’s Cabinet are looking to buy homes in the neighborhood. Wilbur Ross, the Commerce Secretary nominee, purchased a $12 million home there, and Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s pick for Treasury Secretary, is to be living in the Massachusetts Avenue Heights area.

See pictures of Ivanka’s new home here.



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