NOT SO “PRETTY WOMAN” JULIA ROBERTS Drops Multiple “F-Bombs” In Tirade Against Republicans [VIDEO]

Hollywood has changed dramatically from what it used to be a few decades ago.

Do you remember the days when the world fell head over heals for actress Julia Roberts who stared in “Pretty Woman” with Richard Gere? It was a Hollywood classic!

We used to go to a movie and never even think twice about the political opinions of the actors staring in the movie.

Today, it’s a totally different story. It seems politics have taken over Hollywood. In order to fit in as an actor in Hollywood, you must commit your life to the religion of liberalism.

Via 100percentfedup:

In order to be accepted, and more importantly, employed by the loony left in Hollywood, you must promise to support abortion, to defend the stripping of the 2nd Amendment from the Constitution, and you must be willing to mock the same middle-Americans who support your movies or TV shows… and oh, yeah…one more thing,  you must also be willing to talk like a truck driver in public when describing your hate for the Republican Party.

In the video that has been viewed less than 65K times, actress Julia Roberts can be seen speaking on Broadway, where she attempts to elicit support for Hillary Clinton only one month before the 2016 election.

At one point in the video after dropping several “f-bombs”, Roberts makes a joke about her kids watching the show. In a really embarrassing moment, Roberts says something that is so completely incoherent that even she can’t understand what she just said. Immediately afterward, she asks the audience to clap for her.

“You have one job, you are a citizen. You are a citizen. Okay, I’m a liberal. and I am proud of it. Why do conservatives think that people who don’t make serious dollars are not serious people? Why do we let the right wing claim patriotism and religion for themselves?”

Oh, I don’t know…maybe because, at the last DNC convention, the Democrats voted to remove God from their platform 3 times?

Watch, as Roberts gives what has to be the most embarrassing performance of her career.

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