Transgender Proudly Admits to Poisoning Conservative Conference Attendees

VIA| A transgender woman obviously wasn’t thinking clearly when they posted on Twitter on Saturday morning that they had been drugging attendees of a conservative conference in Phoenix, Arizona. The biological male is an alleged Starbucks employee who identifies as “Lauren” on Twitter. “Lauren” claimed to be slipping estrogen pills into the drinks of anyone at the conference wearing a Western Conservative Conference lanyard.

Lauren tweeted, “I love my job at the phoenix convention center starbucks and i love slipping my spare estradiol pills in the coffee of anyone wearing a #WesternConservativeConference lanyard.”

Estradiol is an estrogen steroid hormone as well as the major female sex hormone.

The Western Conservative Conference, which is the conference that “Lauren” claims to have been at, was held at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The convention has been called “the premier gathering of conservatives in the Western United States.”

The site explains, “This year we are planning important panels on the Media Bias, Immigration, Repeal & Replace the Obama Care Nightmare, Tax Reform, the assault on law enforcement by the Obama Administration (Sheriff Joe Arpaio) and Training Grassroots & Media warriors for liberty, Threats to our Religious Freedom and 1st Amendment, Protecting our 2nd Amendment, and many other important topics.”

Hermain Cain, Sheriff Joe Arpaio Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, among others were speaking at the event.

Wayne Allyn Root tweeted out, “Hanging with the great Herman Cain tonight at Western Conservative Conference at Phoenix Convention Center. I’ll be keynote speaker at dinner gala on Saturday night.”

Twitter users didn’t take long to respond to the harassing tweet.

Hi @Starbucks. You have an employee who is slipping prescription drugs into customers drinks. Hope you don’t get sued…??‍♀️ 

Deliberately drugging innocent customers because their political views don’t align with yours?? Wow, you’re a sick, twisted individual. @FBI you should investigate this one. 

@FBIPhoenix @FBi @phoenixpolice … Go Arrest This Perp Bragging About Drugging Conservatives , a SWAT Team ought to raid and taze this perp immediately . , Hey @Starbucks i hope anyone effected by this starbucks employee sues the shit out of you’ll . 

Just proves you angry Libs are mentally insane. God help you!

“Lauren” didn’t seem to care one way or another about the response. They retweeted multiple comments which condemned their own actions. “Lauren’s” first tweet was deleted from Twitter all together.

Western Journal sources explained that the convention center’s head of security is looking into the incident.

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