Sarah Sanders Just Exposed Media’s Double Standard Around Roseanne & Trump In Spectacular Fashion

Reported by: AJR| Sarah Sanders comes in hot defending the President once again. 

After the fake leftist news media tried to bash Trump, Sarah Sanders let them have it with the best take down ever. Roseanne’s show was recently canceled because of some racial remarks made. It wasn’t long until the media had to take their turn on things.

MSNBC reporter Kelly O’Donnell decided to ask Sanders if Donald Trump had a word with Roseanne after what she did on her show. Then O’Donnell tried to bash President Trump claiming that he let Roseanne off the hook but called out the media instead… Sanders then stepped in and let her have it!

Good job, Sarah, keep up the good work.

Reported by subjectpolitics:

She was confused as most who work at MSNBC are.

So Sarah set her straight with a brilliant answer:

“The President is the President of all Americans and he was simply pointing out the media’s double standard.

She went on to say the “major networks didn’t even bother to cover a huge piece of legislation Trump signed today that gives patients access to life-saving treatments that are still experimental.”

He is cutting red tape and saving lives and the media focuses on nonsense.

Then she looked right into the eyes of the MSNBC reporter and said:

“Trump is simply pointing out the bias and the hypocrisy in the media saying the most horrible things about the President.”

“Where was Bob Iger when Jemele Hill said the most horrible things about the President?

“Why was the media silent when Jemele Hill called Trump a white nationalist?”

“Where was the apology after Joy Behar called Christianity a mental illness?”

“Where was the apology for Kathy Griffin going on a profane rant against the president on the View?”

“And where was the apology by Bob Iger for hiring Keith Olbermann after he said such vile things about Trump?”

“This is a double standard the President is talking about.”

Correct…and Trump is still waiting for those apologies ABC/Disney.

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