JUST IN: LIBERAL CALIFORNIA Lawmakers Propose Bill To Ban Sale Of Bibles

I bet you would have never expected the Untied States of America to ever put a ban on religious books and opinions… 

But that is exactly what is taking place in California. If liberal lawmakers get their way, California will be the first state to put a censorship and outright ban on the sale of books that include traditional Christian views on sex and marriage. 

The proposed law is currently being looked over. However, this is the kind of actions we have been fighting against as a nation forever. We have worked as a country to create religious freedom, and now liberals are doing everything in their power to take our Constitution and throw it in the dump. This is a lot to take in, as many conservatives are being impacted by the new decision.  

Reported by 100percentfedup:

Conservatives have been warning Americans for decades that liberals won’t be satisfied until Christianity has been stripped from every public space, and now, they’re working to remove the politically incorrect Bible from every bookstore in progressive California.

When you think about the censorship and outright banning of books and opinions, do you imagine the United States of America?

Or, more likely, does that kind of suppression strike you more as the tactics of communists or fascists that America has frequently fought against?

If liberal lawmakers in California get their way, that west coast state may be one step closer to being unrecognizable as part of the United States. A bill currently pending in the legislature would essentially ban the sale of books that include traditional Christian views on marriage and sexuality.

Shockingly, the proposed law could even be construed to make it illegal to sell Bibles, since they include verses that the far left finds unacceptable.“Assembly Bill 2943 would make it an ‘unlawful business practice’ to engage in ‘a transaction intended to result or that results in the sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer’ that advertise, offer to engage in, or do engage in ‘sexual orientation change efforts with an individual,’” explained National Review.

That’s a lot of legalese to digest, so let’s break it down. What the bill basically says is that anything that can be seen as trying to impact a person’s sexual orientation would be illegal to sell or offer.

This would almost certainly include traditional Christian counseling services and books.

“The bill then defines ‘sexual orientation change efforts’ as ‘any practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation. This includes efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex,” continued National Review (emphasis added).

The problem here isn’t limited to Christian books. Bizarrely, the bill appears to put almost any counseling or psychiatric service in the cross-hairs.

For example, let’s say a man has the paraphilia of crossdressing or transvestism. For whatever reason, the person has become addicted to wearing women’s clothes and has found that showing up to work in high heels and a dress has a negative impact on his life.

Setting aside any personal judgment about this lifestyle choice (how liberal of us), suppose he voluntarily seeks counseling to get a handle on this problem. Maybe he just wants to stop being addicted to cross-dressing in public.

It’s his own choice. Yet counselors or books intended to help him would be illegal because they’re “efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions,” in the words of the proposed law. – Conservative Tribune

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1 Comment

  • I believe I read where 250 million people visit CA. KNOCK IT OFF. You are supporting these morons. This is surely from the devil, banning the Bible? Who is the fascist Nazis? Next they will be burning books. Also quit buying fruit and nuts etc. from CA. When I buy I check where it came from. I buy nothing from CA. I dropped Netflix because it comes from CA and they gave Obama a damn contract.

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