Allegations That Charlie Sheen Sodomized Corey Haim at Age 13

Former actor Dominick Brascia alleges that Haim told him about his incident with Sheen and that after sodomizing him, Sheen rejected the thirteen year old actor.  In his memoirs, Haim’s best friend Corey Feldman said that Haim was sexually molested while filming “Lucas” but he didn’t name Sheen in the book.  For his part, Sheen is denying the accusations.

 Charlie Sheen is being accused of sodomizing a then 13-year-old Corey Haim on the set of the movie ‘Lucas.’

According to the National Enquirer, a now deceased Haim had told others about how he was allegedly raped as a minor by Sheen, who was 19 at the time, while filming the 1986 movie.

Former actor Dominick Brascia claims Haim disclosed to him what happened between him and Sheen. Brascia went on the record about what he says Haim told him before he died in 2010 at 38-years-old.

‘Haim told me he had sex with Sheen when they filmed ‘Lucas,’ Brascia told the Enquirer. ‘He told me they smoked pot and had sex. He said they had anal sex.

Haim said after it happened Sheen became very cold and rejected him. When Corey wanted to fool around again, Charlie was not interested.’

Meanwhile on Wednesday, Sheen emerged from his parents Martin and Janet Sheen’s home looking defiant while smoking a cigarette in the face of the bombshell allegations against him.

The magazine also says that Lost Boys actor’s closest friend, Corey Feldman, alluded to the alleged incident in his book ‘Coreyography: A Memoir.’

‘At some point during the filming [of ‘Lucas,’ Haim] explained an adult male convinced him it was perfectly normal for older men and younger boys in the business to have sexual relations, that it was ”what all guys do,” Feldman wrote.

‘So they walked off to a secluded area between two trailers during a lunch break for the cast and crew,’ continued Feldman,’ and Haim, innocent and ambitious as he was, allowed himself to be sodomized.’ Feldman never named Sheen as the man in the incident.

H/T The Mail Online

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