Intense Shootout Erupts After Suspect Hides In Carwash With Shotgun, Waits In Ambush For Police [RAW VIDEO]

Our police are constantly putting their lives on the line. The past few years have been particularly rough for officers thanks to emboldened criminals who seem to only have one goal and that is to kill police. The internet has shown us firsthand how dangerous it is for our boys in blue but fortunately, they receive some pretty amazing training so they can be ready for any situation.

Police in Tucson recently faced a dangerous situation where a suspect fled to a car wash where things got extremely dangerous.

Tucson Police have released a nearly 12-minute video that shows a deadly encounter with a suspect last week. 

Daniel Spear, 35, was killed by officers on Oct. 18 near North Pantano and East Wrightstown roads at about 10 p.m. He had recently been released from prison after serving five years for armed robbery.

The footage is from officer body cams and nearby surveillance cameras. Police have more than 15 hours of footage.

Investigators say Spear and another suspect tried to steal a truck at gunpoint. The victim told police the men assaulted him. 

Police say the two men fired shots at the victim, but he was not injured.

As police were responding, the suspects ran away. Officers chased one suspect and during the chase, he fired shots at them. The officers then fired back, killing him, police said.

The incident occurred on Wednesday night, October 18, at North Pantano and East Wrightstown road. Detectives said that Spear and an unidentified second suspect carjacked a victim at gunpoint at the Desert Sports and Fitness on Pantano Road.

They assaulted the victim and also fired shots at him. After the carjacking, Spear and the second suspect fled to a nearby car wash, according to Tucson News Now.

As officers arrived, Spear and the second suspect fled. Officers initiated foot pursuit of Spear, who turned and began shooting at them. Officers returned fire and Spear was fatally shot.

The victim was not injured. A second suspect was arrested but later released. Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus said that the video was compelling, and showed the dangers a police officer faces during an ambush.

Chief Magnus said “I mean really their work on that night, I think is the definition of courage and bravery, extremely tactical and professional.”

In the video, Spear can be seen walking around a car wash holding a handgun and a shotgun and talking on a cell phone. Moments later, he can be seen later shooting at police officers, who sought cover.

Officers returned fire and Spear was fatally shot. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Spear had recently been released from a five-year prison sentence for several armed robberies.

You can see the video below. WARNING: Graphic content.

Footage like this reminds us all what police face every day. Police officers have a choice and don’t have to put their lives in danger for the good of the public but still everyday they wake up and choose to go to work. They deserve our support.

H/T BlueLivesMatter, KVOA

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