Ohio Man Pleads Guilty to Raping His Mother

A Cincinnati Ohio man has pleaded guilty to raping and assaulting his mother in exchange for an agreement that he would only get 11 years in prison.  Originally, he claimed someone must have drugged him and he committed the crimes while he was blacked out.  He then entered into a plea agreement but when it came time to plead in front of the judge, he changed his mind and said he wanted to go to trial.  His lawyer spoke to him again and the man decided to take the plea deal rather than receive a much longer sentence after the judge and jury heard the details of his heinous crimes.

 His attorney told the court that he was struggling with the idea of a long prison sentence.

‘Are you satisfied with your terms?’ the judge asked.

‘No I’m not, but yes I am,’ he said. ‘I am satisfied.’

The man said he doesn’t know what happened. He says someone might have put something in his drink.

‘This is a bad situation. I feel bad about the whole incident. But I don’t even know what happened. I blacked out, somebody slipped me something in my drink. I don’t even know what was going on. I just don’t know,’ he told the judge.

In exchange for pleading guilty to rape, felonious assault and kidnapping, prosecutors agreed to drop charges for attempted rape and abduction.
He was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

The felon is not being identified, so as to protect the identity of his victim.

Police say the assault happened last March, after the mother and son got into an argument about money.

According to court documents, the son dragged his mother around the home by her hair, causing parts of her scalp to rip off. He also punched her in the face and body.

The son then proceeded to rape his mother.

At one point, the mother made a run for it – fleeing the home while still naked.

She tried to get help at a neighbor’s house where she knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Her son chased after her, grabbed her and ‘threw her over a fence back to their yard,’ the prosecutor said.

H/T The Mail Online

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