An American liberal in a Denmark bar unleashed a furious verbal attack at a Trump supporter and is now facing charges.
The woman wanted to sit at the man’s table. The Danish man was wearing a Make America Great Again hat. So this outraged American leftist became visibly angry and started calling the man a racist.
“An American woman wanted to sit at my table. I was wearing a MAGA cap. She became visibly angry with my presence, so my friend started recording her,” Julius Daugbjerg Bjerrekær wrote describing the video posted on his YouTube account.
The woman started yelling, “You’re doing this, like to the world, what the f*** is wrong with people?”
She continued her profanity-laced tirade, attacking the man as “horrible.”
“What is f***ing wrong with you? You are a horrible human being. Horrible human being,” she said as she stood up, gathered her belongings and prepared to walk away.
“Liberal tolerance at hand!” the man could be heard saying.
That, apparently, unleashed the leftist beast within as the woman let loose a torrent of foul language, leaning in to the man and repeatedly pointing a finger at him.
“I do not f***ing tolerate f***ing, f***ing racist!” she yelled. “You’re a horrible f***ing human being and I hope you go home and feel f***ing ashamed of yourself!”
“For what?” he asked.
“For f***ing being a f***ing racist you f***ing human piece of sh**!” she ranted before storming out.
“I think that is definitely illegal here,” he called after her.
Bjerrekær noted in the video, “we chose to take legal action the following day.”
“A case has been opened and she will be charged with politically motivated assault (a hate crime),” he added. “Political violence is never acceptable – no matter ones political affiliation.”
Sources: Mad World News Video Credit: YouTube
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