Protesters Block Traffic, Threaten Driver Then Get Run Over [VIDEO]

There was once a time when Columbus Day was celebrated across the country with pride. There was no school that day and many businesses closed for the day, it was a big deal. All that changed when liberals got their hands on it. They claimed that it was a racist holiday because we were celebrating a white European sailing across an ocean, and “discovering” a “New World.” Then all the “indigenous people” hell broke loose. You’ve heard the stories. So a leftist protest of “KKKolumbus Day” by blocking traffic isn’t shocking.

What is shocking? The driver they were blocking didn’t give a crap.

Reaction to the video isn’t what SJWs were expecting. Instead of sympathy, they’re being hit with reality. Usually, the comment section is reserved for people who resemble Lord of the Rings Orcs. But not so much this time:

I stopped feeling bad as soon as I heard “I’ll rip you out of that truck, you little f***.” At that point, threats are made against the driver and he did what he had to do to get out of a potentially harmful situation. Don’t protest in the middle of the street, and then threaten people in vehicles wanting to get through. No sympathy for any of these dumb people in the road.

H/T LouderWithCrowder


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1 Comment

  • Why are they crying ? They knew what would happen! Blocking the road, threatening a driver. The driver had as much or more right to protect himself. Use your thick heads-ROADS ARE FOR TRAFFIC. Get it?

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