Marine Shields Girl He Just Met From Rain Of Bullets With His Own Body During Las Vegas Massacre

The tragedy in Las Vegas brings terror and mourning to the entire nation after the loss of so many lives. Despite the horrific event, several incredible stories of heroism have emerged.

There was the new mom who was shot in the back while protecting her cop boyfriend from bullets, there was a hero dad from California who saved 30 strangers before surviving a shot to the neck himself, a brave woman who saved the 5-year-old boy, and the Marine who shielded a girl from the gunfire.

Renee Cesario and Brendan Kelly

Renee Cesario met Brendan Kelly just two hours before country music star Jason Aldean took the stage at the Route 91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas Sunday. She has no idea that he would definitely her hero.

Renee invited Brendan to attend the concert with her and her friends, who all traveled from Riverside County, California, for the weekend music festival. However, they heard what sounded like fireworks as they moved closer to the stage and started to dance.

“It stopped, and Jason Aldean kept playing but then the shots fired again and he ran off the stage,” Renee described in a Facebook post that has been shared by more than 130,000 people since it was posted Monday. “Before I knew what was going on, Brendan tackled me down to the ground and covered me from the fire.”

The 21-year-old U.S. Marine showed the act of heroism as he shielded Renee from the gunfire, Brendan. Within minutes, the shooting seemed to pause.

“We have to get out of here. We can’t stay here. It’s not safe,” he yelled to 23-year-old Renee, lending a hand to get her back on her feet.

The pair quickly ran for safety with Brendan leading the way.

“Then he pulled my arm up to get me out of the piles of people. We had no idea who was dead or who was alive,” Renee said. “We just started to run when he kept telling me it was going to be okay and to keep running until we were safe.

He even let me use his phone to stay in touch with my sister so she knew I was safe, which is the text you’ll see. The whole night he didn’t leave my side,’ she continued.

Jenn Cesario text message thread she shared with Brendan Kelly

“When we finally were able to talk I felt a huge relief that her voice was on the other line, and she wasn’t hurt,” Jenn said. “I still get completely sick not knowing if she was going to stay safe.”

Renee explained how they escaped the deadly mass shooting thanks to Brendan’s bravery and selflessness.

Though Brendan did not give any statement about it, close friends of the Marine say they aren’t surprised by his quiet heroism highlighting that he is a ‘genuinely good guy and American hero’.

Over 50 people died, and over 500 were injured during the Route 91 Harvest festival on the Las Vegas Strip, in what is now being called the largest mass shooting in modern US history.

Article Sources: Little Things, CBS News, Country Lifestyle/Facebook Photo Credit: CBS News

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