She Wants Favorable Treatment Because the Cop She Shot Didn’t Die

A convicted felon is angry because she has been charged with attempted murder of an officer of the law.  Her argument is that although she shot him, she only shot him once and that was in the arm.  Karisa Daniels — an admitted convicted felon, who happened to be driving without a license, speeding and illegally having a firearm,  thinks it’s ridiculous to charge her with  attempted capital murder because she missed his heart and hit his arm.  (My words not hers)

Daniels said:

 “It’s so unfair that, like, you can be taken away from everything in a matter of minutes. Everything. Your job, your family, your house, your kids. Everything.”

Before you start feeling sorry for her, here is the complete list of charges against her provided by The Blaze

  • Daniels also was scheduled to face nine charges in Wake County, North Carolina — her home state — in connection with alleged offenses on May 25, the outlet reported, citing court records.
  • They include possession of a firearm by a felon, carrying a concealed weapon and a charge of “go armed to terror of people,” as well as three charges of assault by pointing a gun, reported, citing court records.
  • She also faces misdemeanor charges of simple assault, disorderly conduct and being intoxicated and disruptive, the outlet added, citing online court records.
  • Daniels also is a suspect in two early September armed robberies in South Carolina, Myrtle Beach police Capt. Joey Crosby told
  • Daniels is charged with two counts of kidnapping, two counts of armed robbery and two counts of possession of a firearm during commission of a violent crime in connection with those robberies, Crosby added to the outlet.
  • She also has three pending weapons charges in Granville County District Court in North Carolina, said, citing court records.
  • Daniels also has convictions from 2012 and 2013 for larceny, shoplifting and resisting an officer, the outlet reported, citing records from the North Carolina Department of Corrections.


H/T The Blaze

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