Osama Bin Laden’s Porn Collection Will Not Be Released By The CIA

Seized documents of Osama bin Laden will be released to the public with the exception of the al Qaeda leader’s pornography collection.

Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound in Pakistan

Millions of electronic and paper documents, which include letters to family, scholarly and historical papers as well as notes on the al Qaeda operation, would be released over the next several weeks, CIA Director Mike Pompeo told Fox News’ Bret Baier.

Director Pompeo said that he was willing for it to be shared, but admitted some files will remain secret.

‘I want to get these documents out. Once we are sure there’s not classified material and once we are sure there’s not things that we can’t release.

‘I want to make sure that the world gets to see them,’ he said.

The pornography collection which belonged to the evil Al Qaeda leader and his soldiers has never been on the table.

U.S. Special forces retrieved a retrieved a wide-ranging stash of documents, including family letters, documents relating to Islamic history, and notes about the group’s operations in the operation on his Abbottabad compound in Pakistan.

While these documents are considered operational, his porn collection is not, and will likely remain classified.

Investigations were made into the final stages of the most wanted man in the world’s life at the compound after his death. Was he planning more attacks? Why was he not caught earlier? All of these questions remained at large. One thing that was clear, however, is that he was watching his collection on “modern electronically recorded video,” or VHS, according to Reuters.

Laptops seized from jihadists were filled with as much as 80 percent pornography, videos of beheadings and other gruesome footage, according to Michael Flynn, former chief of staff for President Donald Trump and ex-U.S. intelligence chief.

Sources: Daily Mail, Daily Mail/Facebook/ Photo Credit: Daily Mail

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