Photo Of Little Boy During The Hurricane Is Going Viral, Here’s The Real Story Behind It

A 4-year-old Texas boy shows his patriotism by greeting the National Guard.

J.W. Claburn steadily held up an American flag as soon as he saw the National Guard parking into his neighbor’s home in Richmond, Texas, on Wednesday.

Due to heavy rainfalls of hurricane Harvey a nearby river began flooding and National Guardsmen were in the are picking up people who wanted to evacuate.

Wes Claburn said he wasn’t surprised at his son’s gesture as he’s always taught him the importance of the military.

“He’s just a sweet and good-hearted kid. He knew it was the military and he knows what the flag represents,” Claburn told “He went and grabbed the flag and started waving it for the National Guardsmen.”

Claburn said that his grandfather was killed in World War II in 1944 before his father was born.

“We’ve let him know how important his great grandfather was to our family. Everybody in my family appreciates the military,” Claburn said.

And the National Guardsmen appreciated J.W.’s gesture as well.

“They were smiling and making sure that we were okay,” Claburn added.

The patriotism displayed in the photo touched the Guardsmen. It also touched the hearts of many Americans who have been encouraged by images like this one in the midst of devastation.

Sources: AWM, AWM/Facebook/ Photo Credit: Facebook

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