High School Student Suspended Over Her Answers On A Test [PHOTOS]

A 14-year-old girl was suspended from school for giving inappropriate answers in their quiz about sex education.

Her 21-year-old sister who was identified as Jordan Fridman saw her test paper and burst out laughing at her sister’s answers to the questions.

The quiz was a pretty simple fill-in-the blank type of test. It was set up with a sentence and a blank line next to it. The students are supposed to read the sentence and then write an appropriate response to that excuse.

“Don’t worry; I’m on the pill,” the prompt begins. In response, the 14-year-old wrote, “I don’t want AIDS.”

“I’m clean; I don’t run around, and I don’t have any infections.” The teen wrote in response, “Go f*** yourself.”

“Condoms don’t feel good. It won’t be natural,” the quiz suggests. The girl shot back with, “Being pregnant doesn’t feel good either.”

“By the time you put a condom on, you’ve lost the mood,” the quiz shared. The girl wrote back, “And when you don’t put one on you get a little baby and AIDS.”

“I feel stupid buying condoms, and trying to hide them from my parents,” the quiz wrote. She responded with, “You’ll probably never have sex.”

“I’d be embarrassed to use one.” She wrote, “Look at all the f*** I give!”

“Condoms are gross; they’re messy; I hate them,” the seventh example reads. “So are babies,” she wrote.

“Just this once; we hardly ever have sex,” wrote the test. “Now you know why,” she wrote.

“I don’t have a condom with me.” The 14-year-old shared, “I don’t have my vagina with me.”

“They cost too much,” the test wrote as an excuse for not having protected sex. “STD treatments and babies cost more.”

Her sister snapped a photo of her test paper and uploaded it on social media which had gone viral.

She had uploaded it on Imgur with a username of dogsandcatsandlemursohmy and a caption saying: “She’s an extremely amazing young lady,” dogsandcatsandlemursohmy wrote in a comment. “I’m so proud of the woman she is becoming.”

A young woman who can think of so many ways to stand up for herself when it comes to safe consensual sex is absolutely worth celebrating.


Two years ago today, my then 14 year old sister got suspended for submitting these answers for her sex-ed class. I’m so proud of her.

Sources: Facebook/AWMAWMMetroHuffington Post Photo Credit: Imgur/dogsandcatsandlemursohmy

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