Muslim Dressed In Full Face Veil Attacks Clothing Shop Owner For How The Islamic Head Scarves Were Displayed

A Muslim woman flew into a rage after seeing a shop window displaying lingerie next to Islamic head scarves, according to police in Germany.

Berlin police said that the seller of a small fashion shop was assaulted by the Muslim woman for displaying lingerie and head scarves in the same window.

Investigators believe that the attack was religiously motivated, according to a report in the Die Welt.

The 40-year-old shop owner, who is also a Muslim, was slightly injured as a result of the beating on Wednesday.

The attacker escaped from the scene before police arrived.

The shop owner told police that the aggressive woman was wearing a full face veil, and only her eyes were visible.

During the scuffle, the shop owner was able to notice that the assailant had blonde hair and a tattoo on her neck.

This was not the first that the suspect entered the shop.

Several days prior to the attack, the woman entered the shop and mocked the shop owner for selling lingerie alongside religious garments.

So far, the suspect remains at large.

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1 Comment

  • what was wrong with crazy woman because she was not a muslim not with blond hair or a tattoo, because she was what if the shop keeper had bra,s and knickers on display, what has get too do with arrogant woman she just a piece of dog shit.

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