We all know how Sharia Law works here in America. Muslims come into our country and slowly but surely start demanding certain Islamic rights that are a direct threat to the United States and its western culture.
What is so frustrating is that these radical demands are veiled in the form of liberalism. To promote ‘diversity.’ To be ‘accepting’ of all cultures. To increase religious ‘awareness.’
Poppycock. Sharia Law has a very serious and deadly calling: to either convert the world to Islam or kill those who refuse to bow down to Allah.
Unfortunately, mainstream America is choosing to play with fire when it comes to supporting Sharia. Liberals would rather sacrifice western culture and possibly the lives of Americans for the sake of proving their allegiance to Islam. And that is just exactly what one major retailer is doing.
From The Blaze:
Macy’s announced Wednesday the launch of a clothing line aimed at its Muslim shoppers that will include dresses, tops, cardigans, pants, and hand-dyed hijabs.
The retailer partnered the Verona Collection, which describes itself as Modern Islamic Clothing, to make the brand’s modest, ready-to-wear pieces available on the department store’s website, according to a news release…
The Workshop is one element of Macy’s commitment to “vendor diversity,” the company said.
“Through The Workshop at Macy’s, Lisa shared her vision to create a collection that speaks to a community of women looking for a solution to their fashion needs,” Cassandra Jones, senior vice president of Macy’s Fashion, said in the release.
Vendor diversity? Could Macy’s act anymore pathetically politically correct?
What needs to happen is this: any person who wants to come to America to start a new life is welcome if they legally apply for citizenship, learn the English language, prove they have a valuable skill or trade, and embrace western culture. To become an American citizen doesn’t mean you forget where you came from, but it does require you to renounce all that is un-American in your previous culture and work to preserve the new culture you have entered.
But radical Muslims refuse to do that. And somehow Liberals are letting them get away with this.
It’s time for Republicans to stand up to this shady business, call out those who publicly support Sharia law, and stop those who follow Sharia to the letter from becoming part of American culture.
For now, a good place to start would be to boycott Macy’s. Are you in?
This is a tough one for me.
I had a very dear Muslim friend from Nevada.
Served 2 terms for the Navy in Iraq after 9/11. Was treated terribly by racist American troops.
She wore the various garb of a woman of Islam. Occasionally, modeling the various garb on GPlus. Just stunning. Arabian features. Full lips. Huge, tilted almond shaped eyes.
She chose the life of an American Muslim and I came to the conclusion that she deserves to have a place to shop.
I’m not supporting Sharia garb or law, but American Muslim women not only deserve, but have the right to wear what they choose.
When I knew her, she was a beautiful, tough talking woman that called herself, “The Salty Pirate” and told stories of service abuses and how other American Muslim women criticized her make-up and plucked eyebrows as being an offense in the eyes of Allah. She snarled into the phone, “I wanted to do a Jiihad on those bitches because only Allah can criticize.”
Not too far away from my NY street experiences!
A valuable education and a privilege to have known her.
Mozlems are nobodies friends. They are encouraged not to be friends with the “infidels” and non-Mozlems should also be warned not to be friends with the Mohammedians.
Mozlems will cut your head off. They are rapists, murderers, liars and destroyers. Look at Dearborn and Hamtramck Michigan. Also, there are half a dozen Islamic training camps in the U.S.
Have you forgotten all the beheadings after 9/11 done by Mozlems??? Have you forgotten the way thousands of Mozlem men goose-stepped their way across Europe, raping and murdering the Legal Citizens??????
Stay away from the Mozlems and never give them an inch- for they will take a mile.
Here we go again another stupid company going down the sh-ter. They can join Bud Lite. These company executives are destroying companies that when you lose your primary buyers your finished. Good by Macy’s
Even if we had a Macys, I wouldn’t shop there.
After deployment to the middle eat all I can say is F@#k sharia laws & F@#k Islam….. Proud infidel right here but that’s just me…OORAH
Just visit Deer Born, Detroit, Hamtramick. There are NO GO areas already and “Call to Prayer” booming out over the Neighborhoods. Somewhere near 350000 Muslims over riding the rest of the state’s RED votes to elect Marxist politicians.that lets them consume our social systems resources.( welfare, Snap, EBCs and others) while police and other religions are not let in.
F*** mudslimes that do not assimilate.
Mozlems pretend to be harmless as doves, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
Never trust a Mozlem.