Liberal Lunatics Want The Unvaxxed To Pay Double In Tax!

Rhode Island Democrats want to punish the parents of children who refused to submit to the COVID vaccine mandates.

If passed, the bill will financially cripple individuals by doubling their personal income tax and requiring them to pay a monthly fine of $50.

Sen. Sam Bell, citing a poll showing Rhode Islanders “still strongly support a universal vaccine mandate,” said “it’s time for us to pass my mandate bill. Cases are rising again. Surrender isn’t working.”

Bell is the lead legislator backing the bill, which mandates all Rhode Island residents, workers, and taxpayers receive a COVID-19 vaccine as well as any subsequent boosters that the state’s director of the department of health shall require.

The bill’s text can be read here.

WLT slammed Bell for this another radical moved to punish unvaccinated Americans: 

As a society, we have already established that natural immunity is far superior to the little immunity these Covid shots produce for a vast majority of the population.

Are there some people who stand to benefit from taking the shots? Sure, of course, there are, but the shot neither prevents the spread of the virus nor does it work as a therapeutic for everyone.

Young, healthy people who have over a 99% chance of clearing Covid have little to no reason to take this shot, much the same way they have little to no reason to take a yearly flu shot.

Pushing Covid shots at this point, knowing that they do not stop the spread of the virus, and knowing the mortality statistics goes beyond the scope of sanity.

Bell is one of those people who thinks that a flu-like virus can be completely eradicated—he believes in magic.

As Mike Cernovich suggests, maybe it is time to start putting these Democrats through tribunals.

There is a difference between freedom of speech, legitimate differences of opinion, and a willingness not to accept basic reality.

The Boston Globe dissected the poll which Bell references:

The poll from the COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Policy Preferences Across States found that 64 percent of residents said they believe everyone should be required to get the vaccine, behind only Washington, D.C.

(75.6 percent), Massachusetts (67.3 percent), Hawaii (66.7 percent), Maryland (65.2 percent) and California (65 percent).

Nationally, 55.3 percent of Americans support a vaccine mandate, according to the survey.

Millions of vaccine doses will expire soon without more funding as confirmed by The Hill report.

“We are going to lose millions of doses of vaccine that will expire,” Coons told moderator Margaret Brennan on CBS’s “Face the Nation” when asked if vaccines will go bad should Congress not approve more funds.

“I think we should treat this as emergency spending.

Could this be the motivation behind this desperate, last-ditch proposal by Bell and others to push vaccination?

Let us know your comments below.

Sources: WLT, The Hill, The Boston Globe

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