She DIED And Came Back To Life, What She Said Happened Was….

This teenage girl DIED and came back to life, and the story that she is sharing is a very, very compelling one indeed…

Lilliana may have died, but she now has a new lease on life. Although she is just a teenager, Lilliana suffered an extreme allergic reaction when tried marijuana for the first time. This allergy caused her heart and brain to stop working. When that occurred, she witnessed a tunnel of white light and spent a considerable amount of time in the afterlife. She is now hoping to let the world know exactly what she saw and why more people need to appreciate the life they have at this moment.

“Okay, so I’ve died before,” the teen from Arizona admitted during a TikTok video on near-death experiences. The video has since been viewed more than five million times. “Let me just tell you what’s true and not true.”

“You lose desires, but you will still be thinking a little bit,” she said.

After she died, she described how her sense of sight was the first thing that she lost. Soon after, her sense of touch disappeared, but for some reason her “hearing never went away.”

“You leave your body, but it’s not like a hovering over everyone and watching the situation. It’s like you become another being. I can’t f**king describe it,” she continued, adding: “The light parts true.”

This near-death experience occurred for this Arizona teen after she had smoked pot for the first time in 2018 as a sophomore in high school. Despite years of warnings about drug abuse from her friends and family, she would risk her life to get high.

“I took one hit and then started losing cognitive brain functions,” she said. “I couldn’t focus or sit upright, and then my friend offers me water, and I said, ‘What’s water?’ and then passed out on the floor.”

Paramedics tried desperately to revive her, and she heard them working hard to bring her back from the dead. However, she had no control over her body until she feel into a tunnel of white light.

She described how at the tunnel “you leave your body” and then go “back to the source.” She confirmed that she had not met God or experience anything that had remotely been like heaven or hell.
“I didn’t meet God, there wasn’t heaven and hell, there was source,” she wrote, noting that “there’s a lot of spinning and some shapes.”

She added, “It is scary, but in the last stages, you feel nothing, there’s no fear, happiness, or sadness. You become another source of energy, and you’re not having human thoughts. It’s really hard to picture it without experiencing it, but it felt like an eternity.”

After the paramedics forced her to throw up, that is when she regained consciousness. After she was able to breathe again, she returned from the dead.

She described her allergic reaction to marijuana as so intense that she only had “half a hit” before she lost consciousness.

“I didn’t ingest anything near enough for me to become high and trip,” she clarified. “I wasn’t breathing. I didn’t have a heartbeat.”

After she died and came back to life, she said that she still believes in God, but any type of “man-made religion.”

Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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