Police Now Threatening To Seize Property Of The Freedom Truckers!

After incompetent Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refuses to negotiate with the 50,000+ truckers who formed a #TruckersForFreedom convoy that rolled into Ottawa this weekend whom he referred to them as a ‘small fringe’ is just a clear sign of weak leadership.

These truckers just wanted to put in effort in negotiations with an authoritarian government over COVID restrictions and mandates such as forced vaccinations which makes no sense.

And now, it was reported that police authorities are on the move to seize these truckers’ equipment.

But the righteous will always win at the end…

To donate to the defense fund for the truckers, go here: TruckerLawyer.ca

And yes, tow truck companies have refused to assist the local authorities in seizing the equipment of the #TruckersForFreedom convoy.

Rebel News reported:

Canadian police seeking the assistance of tow truck companies in the removal of trucks participating in the blockade of the Canada-U.S. border are coming up short due to the company’s refusal to assist in dismantling the protest.

According to local towing companies that spoke with the Western Standard, police have placed requests since Sunday for them to assist the RCMP in the removal of trucks and other vehicles participating in the protest. The companies said that they would not be doing so.

The publication spoke with several towing companies in the region, including in Calgary, Lethbridge, and Medicine Hat. One of the companies, City Wide Towing, said it had tow trucks at the blockage to help support stranded drivers but confirmed that none of its vehicles stayed on scene to assist authorities.

“Our trucks won’t be heading outside of Calgary today,” confirmed an employee to Western Standard. “We will be remaining in Calgary to service the surrounding area.”

An employee for the company, who requested anonymity has said in a statement, “We have created relationships in our community and contracts that would be in jeopardy if we participate in any way and a lot of these smaller companies don’t want to ruin their reputation in the communities they serve so they don’t want to get involved.”

Sources: 100% FedUp, Rebel News

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