This Seven Second Clip Will Crumble Their Whole Narrative…

A Tiktok video went viral online as it proved how the COVID narrative is crumbling. At first, I thought it was all about a doctor preaching the truth for the 7-minute clip.

But that was only my impression, what I got was seven seconds with no words and an annoying background song. And yes this seven-second short video reached over 4-million views on TikTok as of this publishing.

The exact point of the video closely described the current society that we live in.

The 7-second clip is a man dressed in medical garb, complete with stethoscope, just standing there, not saying a word, with this writing on the screen:’

“Me trying to process how unvaccinated nurses were let go, but now COVID positive nurses can work”

Oh, and a song in the background about having “no brains,” which seems quite fitting.

I’ll tell you what, sometimes it doesn’t take a lot to wake people up.

Below are the comments from the folks online:

“Exactly. I would rather have unvaccinated medical personnel without Covid any day over one with Covid. Makes no sense. It’s like Covid has caused many people to lose basic common sense.”

“The fake COVID narrative is crumbling under an avalanche of truth” 

“What this 7 second video did to wake people up is amazing lol” 

“The narrative is crumbling because lies have short legs. People who speak mere portions of the truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction. Lies are the doorway of self destruction. That doorway is being busted right now” 

“The narrative actually crumbled quite some time ago now. Many are still catching up however and the Government and media keep pushing the fear button as much as they can. Milking every last drop from this BS that their criminal asses can.”

“The vaccine is the preliminary data they need for the digital passports. Yeah I know conspiracy theory now…. Wait til you have to have one to vote and pay your taxes in 2022-2023. It’s never been about health EVER. Wake up sheeple”

“How long before we start rounding up the perpetrators of the big lie?”

“You do not fire your healthcare staff during a PaNdEmiC.”

Though the video only runs for seven seconds it impacted a lot about the staff that is going on right now.

Things like the CDC now admitting 75% of COVID deaths happened in people with at least 4 comorbidities, so-called “experts” finally admitting cloth masks don’t work. The epic fail of Joe’s vaccine and boosters, and on and on we go.

Source: Wayne Dupree

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