This 100yr Old Tombstone Was A Dire Warning About Democrats…

It seems as if everyone has an opinion on the current presidential race, including those who have been dead for over 100 years.

That is the case with a new opinion about the Democratic Party that is getting some traction online, and that opinion just happens to be sourced from a tombstone dating back to 1890.

In Attica Cemetary located in Attica, Kansas, there is the grave of a man named Nathaniel Grigsby who died in 1890.

The grave inscription reads:

“Through this inscription I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic party I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come to it through this so called party therefore beware of this party of treason.”

As pictured, the sides of the grave feature his birth and death information. On one side is the inscription, which was placed per request on his deathbed.

In his tombstone rant, Grigsby blames the Democratic Party for every misfortune that has come to the United States since the time of Andrew Jackson, and he ended the message by warning against the so-called ‘party of treason.’

Of course, it should be noted that the Democratic party of his day was nothing like the Democratic Party of the present, but we all knew that the analogy remains the same.

The story behind Grigsby is interesting, and perhaps a glimpse into the future of the Democrat Party. First, it must be known that Grigsby was good friends with none other than Abraham Lincoln.

In fact, the two were practically related. Grigsby’s brother, Aaron, married Lincoln’s sister, Sarah. Grigsby also went to school with Lincoln and eventually supported Lincoln during his 1860 presidential candidacy in Missouri.

It had gotten to the point where Grigby’s neighbors in Missouri wanted to kill him due to his allegiance with Lincoln. After he discovered their intent, he moved back to Indiana, where he enlisted in the war on the side of the Union with his sons. This sort of behavior put his life in danger, but he refused to bend or break his friendship with Lincoln.

The Democrat Party was responsible for the secession and rebellion of the Confederate states. They helped start the Civil War, and they were responsible for many of the hardships that Grigby faced throughout his life.

In a sense, the Democrat Party was also responsible for the death of one of his sons who died in the war, his childhood friends, and of course, one of his dearest friends and President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.

The resentment that was felt toward the Democrats was not just a one-dimensional ordeal. This is something that burned into Grigby until the day that he died. The Democrats robbed him of people that he could never get back–they betrayed him.

Who knew that 130 years later, these words would ring true when the Democrat party led a coup to remove Donald Trump from the office of president?

Watch it here: Youtube/TheBlivets

Sources: Thegoptimes, Patriotunitednews, Deepstaterabbithole





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