They Looked Out The Window And Saw Thousands Of Amazon Packages On The Lawn…

After they looked out the window, they saw thousands of Amazon packages on the front lawn. What brought this about?

Apparently, one neighborhood near Chattanooga, Tennessee is now pretty shocked because they are seeing one particular house in their area receive as many as thousands of Amazon packages, and we do mean thousands.

Indeed, this address had so many packages delivered to their address in such a quick amount of time that the delivery persons were even being forced to pile them up by the dozens on the front porch, with packages eventually spilling over the railing and throughout the yard.

However, even after all that, the packages continued to keep coming. Before long, the front lawn of this address was totally covered in Amazon boxes, and the neighbors (read: busybodies) were starting to get just a little bit worried. Why were there so many packages piling up? Was this neighbor having some difficulty, or were they just in a buying mood?

One neighbor even became so worried about this neighbor that she even called the news reporters at 23 ABC News to investigate. Oh brother. But before I digress too much, you can rest assured that at least this wasn’t really a matter for the local police. Naturally, this neighbor that called the local news did not want to appear on camera because it would make her appear nosy. (ya think?)

Thus, all she did was just point out the way for the reporters and told them that they should get to work on figuring out why this home was now having packages piled up to high heaven all over their front porch and lawn.

Reporters with 23 ABC News spoke to all of the neighbors that resided in the area to get as much information as they could about the house and its pattern for getting this many deliveries. Neighbors told these reporters that some of the boxes had been empty while others seemed to be half-empty.

“It started out maybe there were 20 packages out there and then became a hundred and then thousands…” said one neighbor. “I don’t know what is in the packages, but you know I would imagine the weather damages whatever is in the packages… It just stays outside.”

No one really knew what was going on, so the reporters eventually had to get the police involved simply to get to the bottom of what was going on.

“It’s dwindled down quite a bit, but I mean, it used to be stacked all the way out to the road.”

Eventually, reporters confronted the homeowners, and here is what they had to say:

“We have a friend who has a contract with an Amazon warehouse in China. They say that whenever that friend’s contract expires, she will send the packages to their house for the family to sort and then send back to Amazon for the company to sell.”

Of course, there are some neighbors that are of the “NIMBY (Not in my Backyard)” type that are furious that this Tennessee resident is working with a Chinese warehouse that has a contract with Amazon. Other people could care less what this homeowner wants to do with their property.

“I couldn’t care less… Let people live.”

Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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