Did Biden’s jaw just dislocate on national television? Whatever it is, it sure seems just a tad bit off, that’s for sure. When you watch these videos of Joe Biden, there are definitely times where it is just totally horrifying, because it looks like the man literally does not know where he is or what he is doing.
He looks lost out there, just like a deer in the headlights. Moreover, you might say something like, “THIS guy is the man we have entrusted to speak with leaders such as Putin? Seriously?!” and trust me, you wouldn’t be alone.
It doesn’t take long for you to also realize why the Biden Administration will often not allow you to see some of these videos and what goes on during these talks….one of the main reasons is because it looks like it is a totally unmitigated disaster.
President Biden visited Kansas City, Missouri, on Wednesday to deliver some remarks in regards to his ghastly infrastructure bill (which is largely pork and has very little “infrastructure”) and how it would affect Missouri.
Now, we aren’t even discussing the fact that this infrastructure bill is horrible. Forget that for a minute. What really takes the cake here is that President Biden can’t speak to save his own life.
In the first clip, we see Biden jabbering on and on about some guy who is a county executive in Jackson County, and he barely has a train of thought whatsoever. However, things only got worse from there, and eventually, Joe just gave up trying to read whatever was on the teleprompter completely. I know, I know, the liberals are going to say that he overcame a stuttering problem. Seems to be a lot more than just a stuttering problem, but I digress.
In this particular speech, Joe sounds like he is very sleepy or drugged up. His words are very slow, and if you put the man in a different situation some would think he was slurring them and they would give him a roadside sobriety test. This is just a sad and pathetic mess to behold.
If this wasn’t bad enough, this disaster of a speech actually got much worse when Biden tried talking about the gas prices that he claims are going down, and the man made no sense whatsoever. EIther way, it was the man’s double-jointed jaw that caught everyone’s attention.
At one point in the speech, it seems that something is happening with Biden’s jaw, and it appears that it is going completely UNHINGED….perhaps he just about lost his dentures? It’s hard to determine, but it looks bizarre and looked very awkward, to say the least.