What This Liberal Piece Of Garbage Did To A 9/11 Memorial Is Absolutely Sickening!

Apparently a student senator at Washington University in St. Louis is not crazy about America, nor is he too crazy about 9/11 memorials either. He was caught on camera throwing away American flags that were placed on camera as a memorial for the devastating attack that killed so many individuals on September 11th. The student was identified as Fadel Alkilani, and he is a chairman of the student senate finance committee at this school, which was otherwise known as the location of the lone vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin in 2008.

Nathaniel Hope is a member of the UW College Republicans, and he actually caught Alkilani in the act of throwing away the flags associated with the memorial and ultimately confronted him on video.

The flags were supposed to be a part of a project by the Young Americans for Remember to never forget the individuals who lost their lives on that terrible day 20 years ago.

“YAF was alerted on Saturday that a memorial display had been destroyed by a member of student government at WU. The school is a participant in YAF’s 9/11: Never Forget Project, in which 2,977 flags are planted in the ground, one for each innocent person murdered by radical Islamic terrorists,” YAF said in a press release.

Alkilani took it a step further, allegedly bragging about the vandalism on Twitter, claiming that he was looking to “protest against American imperialism and the 900,000 lives lost as a result of post 9/11 war,” but his Twitter account has now been locked and made private.

Nathaniel Hope also reported to YAF that Alkilani had “no remorse” for what he was attempting to do.

“He said that it was in violation of school rules,” Hope added. “He was also saying profanity.”

When YAF contacted him, Alkilani replied, “I did not violate any university or legal policy. Now go away.”

“According to students participating in the 9/11: Never Forget Project at WU, Alkilani also tried to destroy the display Friday night. He was told to stop after campus police were called. After being caught this morning, campus police were notified once more. This time they warned Alkilani he would be arrested if he disrupted the display again,” YAF added.

The stolen flags were eventually placed back in their rightful location back on the lawn. Unfortunately, there was yet another YAF memorial that had been vandalized at Michigan State University.

“It’s stunning that someone would vandalize a memorial to the victims of the September 11th attacks, but it also underscores why we do this every year—to ensure that the innocent lives taken that day are never forgotten,” said MSU YAF Chairman Charlie Jones.

Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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