John Cena Jumped To Apologize To China And It Backfired HORRIBLY!

Actor and former wrestler John Cena capitulated to communist China, but it didn’t help him with his case. In fact, by some accounts it ended up making the situation worse.

The Background

Cena decided to post a video to Sina Weibo, which is China’s twitter-like social media platform, and he apologized to all of his Chinese fans for calling Taiwan a “country” during one of his recent interviews where he was promoting “F9”, which is the latest movie in the “Fast and the Furious” franchise. He delivered that mea culpa in the official language of China, which is Mandarin.

Who was it that prompted Cena to apologize? That isn’t clear. It’s not sure whether his own instincts prompted him to do it or if he was also bowing to the demands of Hollywood executives who want to keep their Chinese ticket sales high. However, the former WWE star may have had a successful foray into acting, but this incident is definitely a large blemish on his resume. You see, John Cena is now being rebuked by Americans because it appears that he is bowing down to China instead of supporting the United States.

For many years now, there has been a serious dispute between China and Taiwan over whether the island nation should be communist or democratic. Although China continues to maintain claims over Taiwan, the island is self-governed and it continues to declare its own sovereignty. These disputed claims stem from the Chinese civil war that was fought in the last century.

The Details

John Cena may have apologized, but it didn’t seem to work that well. The ticket sales for “F9” plummeted in China the second week that the movie was out, considering that John Cena committed a Chinese faux pas. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the movie generated $136 million in its opening weekend in China, but the sales dropped tremendously to only $20.8 million the second weekend. That is a nasty 85% decrease in ticket sales.

Moreover, even though “F9” had a successful opening weekend, it is now predicted to only earn just a small amount above the two preceding “Fast and Furious” movies in China. Don’t mess with the propaganda artists in China, folks.

From the Hollywood Reporter:

After several laps, the latest Vin Diesel/John Cena action flick has grossed a total of $185 million. That places the Fast and Furious at just slightly ahead of the franchise spinoff Hobbs and Shaw at a similar point in their Chinese run. However, this means that this latest Fast and Furious installment will be far weaker than the preceding Franchise mainstays the Furious 7 and The Fate of the Furious, which topped out at $390 million in 2015 and $392 million in 2017 respectively.

The Chinese ticketing app Maoyan projects that F9 will finish at $211.9 million – while coming in third is not so bad when it comes to these numbers, it is still very disappointing because China’s theatrical market is now back up to full earning capacity after the COVID-19 pandemic. One notable example would be the $825 million earned by the local comedy hit “Hi, Mom” last February.

Needless to say, the reaction to John Cena’s apology from the Chinese fans of the movie franchise wasn’t very good.

“You need to say in Chinese, ‘Taiwan is just a part of China’, or we are not going to accept your apology,” one of the top comments of the video said.

“You should at least say that Taiwan belongs to China. You are only avoiding the issue and talking nonsense. You aren’t able to benefit from the Chinese market and also trash it at the same time,” another comment read. Looks like John Cena is learning the hard way just how badly brainwashed the people in China really are due to communism.

What do you think about John Cena’s run of Chinese gaffes? Share your thoughts below.




Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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