This Is How Big Pharma Bought Out Sleepy Joe!

As I’m writing this, it is May 8th, 2021, and anyone with even a fifth-grade education would know that Joe Biden is not really the only person running the country. Unfortunately, the United States is being run by a combination of Black Lives Matter, liberalism run amok, and big powerful business leaders that only care about the bottom line. One case in point would probably be Big Pharma. Indeed, some of the most powerful figures in the world are working overtime with their massive influence on these China flu vaccination orders. However, there is one small problem for President Biden, his party, and liberals in general: even though the CCP vaccination plans are well underway, there is a handful of Democrats that are trying to slow it down! Yes, you read that right, and they are not doing it out of a sense of concern or caution either. The main reason they are trying to slow down these vaccination plans is only because of the big Pharma money. It’s good old-fashioned greed, folks.

Doing Big Pharma’s Bidding

Of course, the biggest piece of modern-day evidence that would restore my faith in humanity would have to be in the form of a letter that has been circulating Capitol Hill and the White House. This piece of stationery is urging Biden “to place a temporary halt on the trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPS), simply because of the fact that they are preventing many developing countries from manufacturing their own covid-19 vaccines.” Unfortunately, according to the Huffington Post, there are nine house Democrats that are on the list of the top 25 recipients of pharmaceutical industry campaign contributions, and thus they have refused to sign this letter. However, this is just the beginning:

As Daniel Marans of the Huffington Post reports: “Apparently, Democratic Representatives Ron Kind (WI) and Scott Peters (CA) are sitting at number 7 and number 19 respectively on this top 25 list, and they are even working their tails off to elicit support for a different letter to give to President Biden that asks him not to waive these intellectual property rules.” All I’ve got to say is I guess it’s official: Democrats and other liberals are the most selfish individuals on the planet.

Of course, standing beside these two individuals (traitors?) there are also seven others, and these would include Reps. Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Robin Kelly (D-IL), Kurt Schrader (D-OR), and Raul Ruiz (D-CA), Brad Schneider (D-IL), and Richard Neal (D-MA).

The Democrats: Calling For Vaccine Patent Waivers For Several Months Now!

To say that the Democrats are hypocrites would be the understatement of the year. Even in the early days of the Biden campaign, all of the major players in the Democratic party were screaming bloody murder for patents on the COVID-19 vaccines to be waived because they wanted third world countries to be able to produce it themselves so that they could also have ready access. Even Joe Biden himself wanted it done.

If we are to believe the Democratic talking points, then ready access to the vaccine is the most important thing ever. However, don’t tell that to Big Pharma! Why in the good Lord’s name are Democrats allowing members of their own party to thwart these efforts? Could it be that the Democrats care more for the almighty dollar than they do about the covid-19 vaccine? Folks, this right here is a classic example of why I am a die-hard member of the GOP!

What do you think about this story? Your comments are appreciated!

Vaden Chandler is a proud patriot who loves his country and wants to see it do well. When he is not writing articles, he is working on his first book, a Horror/Suspense novel loosely based on a true story called "A Little Bird Told Me."

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