Trump Tells His Team, “HOLD THE LINE!”
When I was a kid, I was watching a football game with my dad where a team was down by three touchdowns at the start of the fourth quarter. I asked him why the other team didn’t just quit.
He told me that part of it was the fact that you never know what is going to happen and that if you play the game by the rules something unexpected could happen where the team that looks like it is in the lead messes something up.
There are still a lot of votes there, and there is no reason to concede.
Look, let’s be honest this is dangerous territory. If The Democrats have committed voter fraud, and enough to win the election they MUST be called on it in order for the nation to avoid becoming a banana republic. However, the stakes could not be higher as if they did not and Trump accuses then, holding up the election the effects on the trust that is left in our political system could be devestating.
Perhaps never before has the America experiment been at such a crossroads. Right now, while Dems like AOC urge for the creation of lists of Trump supports, for God only know what purpose, it is imperative that we HOLD THE LINE until the counts decide what is lawfully the truth,
Things are really up in the air right now, that’s no secret or surprise to anyone really. We knew mail-in voting would be a disaster, and Democrats knew it would be the only way they would be able to cheat their way to a victory.
Things are seeming a bit grim for conservatives, if I’m being honest. If the election were happening honestly, Trump would have won days ago. However, it isn’t over yet. Democrats are so sure that Biden and Harris are going to be occupying the White House and whether or not that’s the case, we cannot give up.
I’ve seen so many conservatives pointing out that Trump has worked so hard for the past four years for us, we need to work for him now. They are absolutely right. That man has given up four years of his life to serve the American people with everything that he has. The least we can do is hold the line and fight for an honest voting count.
Pray hard, for America, for Trump, and for truth to prevail.