What was promoted as a speech to young women about overcoming adversity turned into a massive “humblebrag” for the First Lady, who claims that people were more interested in her “looks” than her education.
During her time as First Lady, Michelle has been called many things and described in a multitude of different unflattering ways — but never once was she called a sex symbol. Barack Obama’s brash wife is one of the ugliest, most classless First Ladies America has ever had, but she sees herself in a very different light and shared her false outrage over the way she thinks men see her with an unsuspecting crowd.
While bragging about herself and the accomplishments she’s had in life, she described how she had to overcome a lot simply for being a woman. She whined that she wasn’t taken seriously because of her gender and that anything she had to say was often disregarded because men only saw her for her body. Carrying on that note, she said she couldn’t walk down the street without being gawked at, that men would practically swarm her, hoping for a look and perhaps even a grope. The thought of that actually happening, which is doubtful, is as gross as she looks to the rest of us.
The speech was supposed to empower women with a message that they can do anything they set their minds to, but got derailed by her arrogance about having succeeded despite being sexy in a “man’s world.” There was no reason to go off on that tangent when the crowd can see her in person and know she’s lying by looking at her.
No sooner did she get the words out, a recording of her nauseating speech leaked and has gone viral by repulsed people who are shocked that she would have the audacity to say she has sex appeal, which is a classless new low even for Michelle.
Article Sources:America Now
Video Credit: Youtube/Trump trust ME
Yep she sure was, many chimpanzees had her photo on their zoo walls, terrific!
Don’t forget the orangutans, & Gorilla’s.
Not a female. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes to the bone.
The only reason that any man would gawk at Moochelle would be in total disbelief of the size of her HUGE ARSE! (Stephen Stafford, this one’s for you).
Michelle is jumping on the Jussie Smollet bandwagon. Figures there’s no footage to prove she’s lying.
Micheaal (aka: michelle) needs to crawl back into its sewer and then go get so gender surgery so things don’t stick out in front.
yup..i remember that clip and she had a bulge..joan rivers had it right..but she died in a unusual death, so i hope MIKE don’t read this tab..
Michelle/Michael obama is the sex symbol for EVERY single LANDFILL in America!!!!
Ya just can’t make this stuff up!
I still don’t know and wonder which one gets on top!
Mike sure is full of himself.
Wow conceited much there moosehell? Poster child for afermative action!
The only reason someone would grope her would be to see if she had a dick.
Remember when Fred Sanford said that if you slammed his sister-in-law’s face into big pile of dough, you get the perfect mold for Gorilla cookies?…..Wellll?
Sorry…Not into Bestiality.
This could have only been true in front of an audience of talking monkeys.
She looks better now than she ever did, and believe you me, there is absolutely NOTHING sexy about her.
The ONLY way she(?) could EVERY be attractive to men, would be to take all the beautiful clothes WE bought her and put them on a woman while draping MICHAEL ( which is who the First Laddy WAS), in a king size bed sheet! NO First Lady who’s ever been in our White House had: An Adams apple, bicepts that could arm- wrestle Arnie, and shoulders that could bench press a Buick! Speaking of Michael; She talked about him constantly while smiling behind the Grand Puppet, YET; In eight years he never visited herr at OUR White House, seen with herr, the girls, seen the two of them together and/or others even ONCE! A little ODD? NOPE; A LOT odd!
She’s delusional. Yep, they were gawking, but not in a positive way. They were wondering who that was in drag
Not bad looking for a transgender
More of a cymbal not to have sex….look what you might end up with.
Cymbal? I would bang that either.
Her and Maxine.
Mrs. obama makes me want to PUKE! DEFINITELY NOT a sex symbol of anything remotely GOOD!
Sex Symbol to the Chiraq down-lo community.
I needed a good laugh, & that was so funny I almost fell off my chair.
Damn, I didn’t know she was trying to be a stand-up comic! Quit while your ahead, Mitch.
She is sooo full of crap
Think I am going to puke
That is sure to be my best laugh of the day. Like we say down south “Bless her heart”
Sex symbol? Oh my God, I can’t stop laughing out loud. She/it is totally delusional!
Michael O. is a sex symbol for Trannies. But since O. will not even come out for LGBTQ, he/she is useless. LOL.
Is she/it trying to be funny. Someone give her a mirror to look at himself. She’s the most disgusting thing.
Still like the saying that someone came up with! “Ape in Heels” Classic
LOL..a chick, with a dick.Far from attractive!
Sex symbol in the eyes of other primates @ the zoo, maybe. Only her IQ is much lower.
Of course people were ‘gawking’ at it when it walked down the street. Most of us have never seen an orangutan with a sex change.